Start from the beginning

"My lord, I am not disobeying your order at all. I just can't stand the fact that she tried to kill you. If I confronted her, I would definitely kill her. That's why I humbly ask you to choose one of these 3" Carrera said.

When Carrera said it, the smiling Ultima stopped. The remaining 3 demons looked at her in amazement. The Primordial Yellow, who loves to fight so much refuses to face anyone. It wasn't her refusal that was surprising but the main reason for it. She refuses to confront Hinata, because she knew her anger would overwhelm her. Their master strictly forbids them to kill anyone. That's why she couldn't afford it.

<Kfufufu, Carrera you become more wise and intelligent. I guess this is our master effect.>Diablo thought.>

"I never thought the primordial Yellow will act like that. Rimuru what did you do to her" Velzard asked.

"Nothing. Carrera, I really appreciate your frankness. You have really matured and it makes me very happy".

"I am happy for such a praise my lord. I will fulfill every duty you give me" Carrera said.

"So that's how you are going to face them. Testarossa you are going to deal with Hinata is that all right."

"My lord your wishes are order for me."

"Thank you and Carrera, Ultima and Diablo you are going to deal with the other paladins. Understood?"

"Yes Milord"

"You can leave now".

Every executives left the office leaving just Velzard and Rimuru now.

"Rimuru are you sure you want to deal with Luminous, not that I care but you think is it possible for her people ?"

"Sure Darling, It won't be easy at all but you know, in the last timeline we manage to deal with it very good and I think it's going to be the same now".

"Da-darling ? Rimuru did you just call me like that?" Velzard said while blushing?"

"I Did?"

C: <.......>

"If Ciel respond like, that mean I surely did."

"You don't like it Velzard?"

"Ahhh no I-love it of course. You know, it's difficult to spend time together. You are always busy. I feel like you don't feel the same way I do" She said in a really sad voice.

This feelings again. It's the second time I feel it. The first one was with Ciel, and now Velzard. Am I that bad. Not being able to detect the sadness of those who are dear to me?

"Velzard. What about will leave this town for a little bit. I mean the executives can take care of everything here. I am deeply sorry and I want to at least be able to redeem myself".

"Rimuru you know I will and I want to be with you until the ends. Are you going to take care of me? I don't want to force to take me anywhere. Being a leader is not something easy. I just want to have a little time with you that's all. ".

"I will Honey. Now come with me, I think it's time for us to just be together. Shizue can you please come in my office please?"

"I am on my way."

Shizue then entered Rimuru's office. She was fine and she was beautiful.

"Hello Velzard-san I nice to see you." Shizue said.

"Nice to see you too Shizue. I hope you are fine."

"I am fine thank you. Rimuru-san do you need me for something?"

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