(7.22.2020) Bottom Bunk - T/M, 1.3k [Diakko]

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["It's easier being lonely alone than being lonely surrounded by people. There's an obvious solution to it when you're alone."]

| First-Person, (Akko); Themes of Fluff, Kiss, Slice of (witch) Life |

I blink awake to find Sucy's bed empty, and the curtains drawn. The sun beams through the line of window that the curtains don't cover, chopped evenly from the blinds. I look to the door, which is shut closed. As I lazily stare at the floorboards, I shiver and bring the sheets to my shoulders. I don't hear Lotte's usual twists and turns above me. They must've left alread—

I'm naked.

The warmth of my own body is flushed against skin, and it takes me a moment to realize that the skin against my back isn't mine. She groans softly and tugs some of the sheets towards her side. Diana... I crane my neck over. Even with her curled so deeply in my sheets—which she is hogging—, my eyes follow the curve of her body. I can't help but grin, though. And instead of stealing back some of the blankets (because, again, they're mine), I wrap my arms around her. Her mewl is quiet as I bury my head into her neck, closing my eyes back to a doze. I'm not cold anymore, with her. I'd argue I'm warmer than I would've been with all of the sheets and blankets...

I don't know how or when I started liking Diana. Maybe I always did, kind of, or maybe after noticing bits and pieces of her as I got used to Luna Nova. I think I always have. And it was mutual. Sometimes we kissed when we studied. It wasn't anything much, and it never made itself present in our talks afterwards. Sometimes, it was quick, and other times, we'd let each other explore a bit. Nothing too far, though I doubt either of us would have minded.

It just... It wasn't something we ever spoke about, actually. Hell, I even kept it from Lotte and Sucy. At this point, they probably know about it, but I don't really care.

Last night was amazing though. Diana was crowned the Moonlit Witch again... And what was I going to do about it? She looked beautiful. She looks so beautiful in white...


I turned around, hands clasped to my biceps as Diana strode towards me. Our shadows flickered with every beat of the music, and the light-show at the after-party tents behind us. "Yeah?" I asked, awe-struck by the moonlit cloak and mesmerizing hat.

She watched me with a mute curiosity. "I knew you would be here. Is there a reason why you aren't attending the party? You've spoke a lot about it before, and how it will take itself to the town and hotels..." Diana grows quiet as I smile at her. She tilts her head and asks, softly, "Why are you all by yourself?"

"I'm okay, Diana," I murmured. "I'm just thinking."


"Yeah, about the stars?" I point to the Big Dipper. "I wonder, you know? How it's doing up there...if it's lonely."

Her eyes follow my hand. The Big Dipper is surrounded by millions upon billions upon trillions of its own kind. "The Shiny Rod, you mean?"

"Yeah... I just wonder if it gets lonely." I sighed and held my arms as we stood in the middle of the vast grassy field. Together. "It's easier being lonely alone than being lonely surrounded by people. There's an obvious solution to it when you're alone."

"I thought you were talking about the stars, for a moment."

I chuckled briefly, meeting her eyes. "I... Yeah, me too."

She slipped off the hat and set it on my head, her arms falling onto my shoulders. "Are you lonely?"

"Not— Not with you," I mumbled.

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