(7.01.2019) 🔶 Unbuttoned - M, 12.4k [Diakko]

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🔶 Ch.1 of Unbuttoned, then Flight (Two-Shot) 🔶

["I knew my little broomstick would help!"]

| Second-Person, (Diana); Themes of Angst, Pining, (some) Internalized Homophobia |

"I wish. This school would be so much more enjoyable if there were boys here."

"Yeah. At least Andrew came here. That's a face I'd like to see come by here."

You frown as Babara and Hannah continue to chatter away on their beds. You're curled up in the armchair, skimming through your notes for Professor Finnelan's exam the next week. Though, as you suppose, she'd be lenient either way, even if you made a mistake that only Akko would ever— You close your eyes and sigh. Even though it's true, you wouldn't dare make any mistake on any exam—including one even Anne Finnelan would do. You're better than that. You have all the materials in your hands to do better.

And they'll lend an escape as a distraction, just like Hannah and Barbara. Part of you wants to be holed-up at your desk, studying alone. But no. The tapping of your anxious foot reveals your uneasiness. It reveals your giddy stomach and pulsing heart.

"Hey, Diana?" You jerk from your thoughts and turn towards Hannah.

"What is it?"

"I know you don't talk about boys that often," she starts with Barbara giggling quietly, "but wouldn't it be better if they came to this school more?"

You close your notes and set them aside. It's not worth leaving them in your hands only to be caught in conversation. What if the ink smudged? "I don't see why it would be better."

"You're serious..."

"That I am." You arch a brow. "What, are boys supposed to be enjoyable? What do they do?"

Immediately you regret your questions. Specifically that last one. Barbara's giggles continue as Hannah chuckles to herself. "Oh come on, don't tell me you're so stuck in your studies to forget about boys?" You narrow your gaze. "Diana, you're so dense sometimes," Hannah goes on, and you can hear that her tone is lighthearted. But there's something else, like playful taunting.

"Yeah, I know you were checking out Andrew's friend when he was here, whatever his name was," Barbara adds.

"W-what?" You freeze and regain your composure as your friends snicker quietly. It was rare when a conversation made you this way, and they always took it as a victory. You clear your throat and say, "I don't know what you're talking about. He was nice and being polite. It would be rude if I didn't do the same. Now I'd say you'd only want boys at this school as a distraction!"

"So what?" Hannah laughs. "They would be a good distraction."

"Yeah, and it would be so romantic to be swept away into little corners away from the teachers like they do in Night Fall," Barbara admits coyly.

The shit-eating grin on Hannah's face is quickly wiped off as she turns towards the other bed. "Don't compare our fantasy with that." Shaking her head, Hannah turns to you and her smirk is back. "But she isn't wrong. We never get any experience here! We're just a bunch of girls."

And what more do we need? You were dangerously close to exposing yourself. Instead you sit quietly, lips tight and pursed. After a moment, you murmur to yourself, "I just don't get it."

"Are you saying you've never thought about boys?! Do you know about kissing and sex and stuff?" Hannah blurts out.

You go ridged. Dammit, they heard me. "What are you talking about, I'm not five!"

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