Chapter 3: Thank You

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Artist: Riddy.

The second the door to the manor shut Donna released Angie and ran to the elevator, she impatiently waited for it to descend before she bolted for her workshop. Her heart was giddy with excitement, she couldn't remember the last time she felt like this and she wanted to do something to show Bela how grateful she was. The garden was beautiful, it was filled with life, diversity, unlike Donna's manor that only had fog and yellow flowers. Angie eventually made her way downstairs to watch as Donna scampered around the workshop, clearing off her current project to start on this new one. She laid out the china clay that she would mold, delicately took off her veil and placed it on a mannequin head above the desk. The fabric took longer to find but after a long time searching she found the perfect material.

"Whatcha doing?" Asked Angie.

Making something as a thank you for Bela, she took time out of her busy day to spend it with me in their garden.

"Just a thank you?" She pried.


Angie huffed in annoyance, "when are you going to admit that you like her?"

She's been very nice to me Angie, other than Mother Miranda no one has been nice to me. She...makes me feel something I haven't felt before, even when she's covered in blood I feel safe with her.

Angie hummed knowingly and decided to leave Donna to her own devices, instead she gossiped with her other friends about her fun day with Daniela, and maybe their plan to bring Bela and Donna together. Days passed, Donna only left the workshop to eat, use the bathroom, and sleep for a few hours. Her new found energy kept her awake, she didn't need coffee or anything, in fact, she felt like a little kid again Mother Miranda had stopped by to check on Donna, and bring her some food, the conversation was brief for Donna wanted nothing more than to work on her new project. Mother Miranda didn't take offense to it, she knew Donna would hyperfixate on anything she put her mind to.

When the project gained her approval she placed it delicately in a black box with a red silk ribbon. She held the box closely to her chest as she grabbed her veil then nearly skipped to the elevator. Angie stirred awake and greeted Donna at the elevator whilst she gained the courage to walk back to the castle. Angie called ahead to let Alcina know they were on their way to visit but she didn't answer. Donna hesitated, she didn't want to intrude, but Angie convinced her to go anyway. She did as she did before, she manipulated the air around her so that she appeared invisible around the villagers. Perhaps she could use the hallucination pollen to make this more of a permanent feature so she didn't have to use up so much energy.

Once at the castle she sighed in relief, she wished she could provide something beautiful like the flowers that were in their greenhouse. She chewed her bottom lip nervously, hope roared inside her that Bela would like her present. She knocked on the carriage gate door, it opened on its own and Angie bolted in without warning. Donna cursed her inside her head but followed suit until she found a maid who jumped in surprise.

"Oh! Miss Beneviento! We weren't expecting you, what can I do for you?"

"Where's Bela?" Angie asked.

"She's in the cellar, but no one is allowed in there without an escort."

"Then get one of the others! Where's Daniela? This is of utmost importance!"

"Yes Miss Angie." The maid bowed.

"Maybe we should get a maid, I like this 'miss Angie' thing." Angie snickered.

Castle Dimitrescu

Bela withdrew the needle from the maid's arm, she was done drawing the blood needed and she dismissed her. This particular maid had O- blood which was a personal favorite of mother that she uses exclusively in her own personal wine. This maid was also a personal favorite to her sisters who had a huge crush on her, but she wouldn't notice their flirting if it smacked her in the face. The maid placed a bit of cotton on the little spot of blood that formed until she stopped bleeding. She bowed to Bela then returned to her chores, Bela could understand why her sisters liked this one; she was loyal, had beautiful light brown skin, devoted, dark black hair, and very strong. While Bela was putting the blood into a barrel of wine to be stored, her mind wandered to what Donna looked like under her veil.

She wondered why Donna hid her face, she was also so quiet but when she spoke it gave Bela goosebumps...well...if she could get goosebumps. It was beautiful, and Bela imagined her singing while she played piano; if her face was anything like her voice then it must be equally as beautiful. What color was her hair? Her eyes? She had grown worried that Donna hadn't called or visited in a few days, maybe she was expecting Bela to visit. Was Donna waiting for her? Bela shook her head, that was a ridiculous notion; Donna is a lord like mother so she must be just as busy.

Bela sighed and sealed the barrel then shifted it next to the others, as she finished something approached her from behind, she had been so preoccupied with her thoughts she didn't hear them approach. Bela swung around with sickle in hand but stopped in her tracks when she saw Daniela standing there with a wide grin.

"Daniela? What are you doing down here?" She asked, irritated.

"Someone is here to see you." She answered in a sing-song voice.

Daniela disappeared before Bela could question her, she raised an eyebrow then huffed in annoyance before she followed. She stopped in the main hall and froze for a brief moment, Donna was there but no one said she was coming over. This was unexpected. Bela smiled kindly at her as she approached Donna, Angie giggled as she flew over to Daniela. Donna shrugged her shoulders as Bela looked down at her, they stood inches from each other, close enough that Donna caught the faint smell of death and decay of the cellar that hung off Bela. Despite that, Bela sucked the air right out of Donna, she was breathlessly beautiful.

Donna lost her nerve. The courage she had a moment ago had vanished in the presence of Bela, she walked so confidently and Donna was in awe by her mere presence. Donna whimpered under her breath before she shoved the box into Bela's chest then took off out the door, she clutched her gown so as to not trip when she sprinted away with Angie in tow. Bela held the box carefully, she blinked a few times to comprehend what just happened, her heart hurt a little to see Donna rush out. She examined the box until she felt someone hover over her shoulder, she growled and clutched the box protectively.

"Ooohh she brought you a present! Let's open it!" Daniela reached for the box.

Bela took off in her swarm, Daniela followed behind while giggling. Bela got to her room and slammed the door in front of Daniela's face, the last thing she wanted was an audience to whatever Donna brought her. She heard Daniela groan behind the door, Bela waited until there wasn't a sound before she turned around to lean against the door. The box was slightly heavy in her hands, she walked to her bed and sat criss-cross on top of the comforter. She untied the bow slowly for she wanted to savor the feeling of getting a gift.

No one ever got her a gift before, it was exciting and she wanted to rip the box open but contained herself. Barely. Stray flies swirled from her form in anticipation as she finally pulled the lid off the box to reveal a doll. Not just any doll. It was a perfect replica of Bela; it had blond hair, yellow eyes, a silky black cloak, even a little sickle in its hand. Tears pricked Bela's eyes, not out of sadness but happiness, she loved it so much she wanted to cry and squeal. Bela hugged the doll to her body, it faintly smelled like clay and old books. She wondered if this is how Donna smelled.

She had to thank Donna, let her know how much she loved this doll, she had to see her. Bela glanced toward the curtains of her room, the sun had set but the nights were getting colder for fall would be here soon. She had a finite window to visit Donna before it got too cold for her to go out. Bela bit her lower lip as she laid back on the bed with the doll in her arms, she smiled and closed her eyes contently.

Beneveiento Manor

"What was that?!" Screamed Angie.

I don't know. I was doing just fine until she appeared, everything I had disappeared the moment I saw her. She...

Donna groaned loudly, she ripped the veil from her head and threw it across her bedroom.

Why am I like this..

Donna hit her head with her fists, she wanted nothing more than to be confident like her, carry herself the way Bela did. Then again, did Donna want to be Bela or be with her? She glanced at Angie who tilted her head then giggled before disappearing around the corner. She hated it when Angie was right.

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