Chapter 4: Letters

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Artwork by: Guldana Nursoltanova (illwonil)

Bela walked the halls as she always did but her mind was running; she loved her gift from Donna, and wanted to tell her she did but every time she thought of what to say, the words failed. A simple 'thank you' wouldn't suffice, but neither would saying nothing at all; Bela groaned in agitation. She stomped and huffed, which made all the maids scurry away from her like rats away from a cat. Donna was a lord like her mother, Bela couldn't and shouldn't make friends with her. A lord was supposed to do Mother Miranda's bidding no matter what, they weren't supposed to have friends or...anything else. That's what mother said at least.

Bela instinctively found herself back at her room, she opened the door and slumped onto her bed before she lifted her head to look at the doll on her nightstand. She shifted up into a sitting position with her legs crossed, then she reached over and brought the doll to her lap. She ran her fingers through the fine fabric used for the hair, she chuckled at the stain of red around the mouth. The edges of the mouth were curved upward, not enough to be noticeable at first glance and, more likely than not, a brush mistake, but Bela loved the thought that Donna painted her smiling.

"I wonder...." Bela traced her thumb over one of the glass eyes, "can you control this one like Angie?" She whispered.

"Who're you talking to?"

Bela jumped and whipped around to see Daniela in the doorway, Bela hid the doll behind her back with a death grip in one hand while the other threw a pillow.

"Get out Daniela! Haven't you heard of knocking?" Bela screamed.

"You know, I think I remember some of the maids talking about it once or twice. Such a foriegn concept." She retorted.

"What do you want?" Bela huffed.

"Just to bug you."

"Well you've succeeded, now get out."

"Mmm not until I see what Donna brought you."


"Okay then, what's behind your back?" Daniela asked.


Daniela groaned and rolled her eyes, "you're worse than Cassandra."

Before Bela could answer Daniela swarmed toward her, Bela pushed her back against the bed to try and hide the doll but her reaction wasn't fast enough. Daniela wiggled her way underneath and yanked the doll from her hands, Bela hissed loudly and grabbed her sickle to swing at Daniela. With so much on her mind she was slower than normal and Daniela took full advantage as she swarmed out the door. Bela followed hot on her trail. Daniela tried to shake her but Bela could fly through this castle with her eyes closed; however, in her narrow sight of focusing on Daniela she failed to notice where Daniela was leading her.

The door to Cassandra's room burst open with a loud thud, Daniela formed behind Cassandra who stood there confused and annoyed. Bela formed shortly after, her golden eyes piercing through Cassandra and onto Daniela, Bela's hand trembled as she squeezed the handle of her sickle.

"Give it back Dani!" Bela screamed.

"What is going on?" Asked Cassandra.

"Bela is hiding something from us and I know exactly what it is!" Daniela beamed.

"Dani, I'm warning you, give it back now." Bela threatened.

"Tell me who gave this to you then." Daniela held out the doll.

Cassandra raised an eyebrow then glanced toward Bela who huffed in irritation, she growled and raised her arm to swing but Cassandra interfered by grabbing her arm.

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