Chapter 4: Spilled Blood

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Writer's Note:

I have decided to change a small thing within this fanfic. Sorry for all these little changes, by the way, I should've been more planned. However, it is better to make changes early on rather than later. I will be including two indications from the 'The Quarry' game: 'PATH CHOSEN' and 'PATH UPDATED'. 

You will see 'PATH CHOSEN', obviously, when a character does something that will have an effect later on (all of these will be by readers' vote, of course). This 'PATH CHOSEN' also tells you that a new 'pathway' has been added to 'Character Information (Items, Stats, Pathways)' if you wanted to check out what path had been chosen.

You will see 'PATH UPDATED' when a choice/pathway that was made by you (the readers) has an effect on the story. This will also indicate that there has been something added to the 'pathway' section in 'Character Information (Items, Stats, Pathways)'. For example: a character stabbing someone (PATH CHOSEN) led to that person bleeding out (PATH UPDATED).


D: "Eh, why not?"

Dylan put the radio on the table and looked around, his hands to his sides. He mumbled to himself, and then walked over to the box, inspecting the lock, which was very chunky.

D: "Yeah, I'm not getting through that. It looks like a lock for a fucking vault or something."

He flipped the box on its side, so its hinges were exposed. 

He looked at the wall, where multiple different tools hung.

D: "No screwdriver? Really?"

He looked at a hammer on the wall.

D: "That looks like it could hammer this."

He walked over to it and unhooked it from the wall, taking it in his right hand.

D: "Well duh, Dylan, it's a hammer."

He walked back over to the box. He turned the hammer around in his hand, so the claw end was facing towards the box. He raised the hammer above his head.

He struck the hammer down directly on the hinge, piercing it slightly and making a loud bang. He huffed, raising the hammer upwards again.

Again he struck, with a loud bang, and then again. And again. And again. He stopped, panting slightly.


D: "Okay, that should be good now..."

He had smashed both hinges to pieces. He pulled the two sections of the chest apart from each other with a loud, uncomfortable squeak of wood.

He looked inside.

There was a thick stack of newspapers, with a vibrant, yellow post-it note stuck on it, and a torn, loose page of what looked to be an old book which had something written on it. There was also a box of matches.

The post-it note read 'TO BURN'.

D: "What the fuck is this doing in a locked box..."

Dylan picked up the top newspaper.

D: "North Kill Gazette. Four months on, hikers still missing. Edward Benson and Anne Radcliffe."

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