Chapter 23: War Against the Whole World

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The voice boomed throughout the room, shaking the walls and chipping off tiny pieces of the ceiling. Lumine halted her sword just before it swung into Aether's skull, which made the prince let out a breath he failed to realize he was holding. Likewise, Evan let out a sob he had been holding back. Kaeya turned to lock eyes with the boy whose face was scrunched in fear. Kneeling down, the man opened his arms to Evan, and he sprinted into them. His soft sobs, muffled by the cloth on Kaeya's shoulder, echoed off of the walls. While the pair reunited, Childe fell to the floor, and the two eldest Afton siblings rushed to meet him. As he panted on all fours, Michael put a hand on his back. He turned his head to smile at the teen, though most of his face was covered by his arm. Childe collapsed onto a kneeling Michael, who held him worriedly as his sister peered around him to check if the man was okay.

Zhongli turned towards the door as he awaited the arrival of the disembodied sound, "I know that voice..."

"I recognize it, too..." Xiao replied thoughtfully, readying his polearm, "So it's happening. She's arrived."

Lumine opened her mouth to ask who she was, but before she could speak, the doors of the throne room opened, revealing a tall woman with long white hair and an elegant tail-split cape flowing behind her. The blue crown she donned demanded respect with its extensive stature.

She stormed into the room, her boots clicking against the regal carpet, "Prince Aether, what is this? The Lectors tell me you've kidnapped a child. And why are you on the floor?"

"I brought you everything you asked for!" he defended, slapping Lumine's sword out of her hand so he could lift the front half of his body, "I just ran into a heap of trouble."

He glared pointedly at his sister, and she bore daggers into his skull with her sharp gaze. The  woman raised an eyebrow at them, judging their childish antics.

"Hm, I should've known. You humans always take things too far," she scoffed as she pushed her way through the crowd to reach Aether. She stuck her hand out expectantly, "Hand over the Gnosis."

"I don't think so,"  Dainsleif pointed his sword at her throat to stop her. Aether tried to suppress a smile as the woman eyed Dainsleif up and down, then scoffed.

"I don't suppose you realize who you're talking to," she grabbed his sword's blade in her hand, "I am the Tsaritsa. This is my domain, and you will respect me accordingly. By now, Mr. Twilight Sword, you should have these rules ingrained into your memory."

She tossed his body to the side, ramming him into a pillar beside them. When his back hit the concrete, he hissed in pain. At the same time, the Tsaritsa released an icy frost over the room, stalling the others as they shielded their eyes. After Dainsleif's quick recovery, he opened his eyes to find Aether placing the Gnosis into the Tsaritsa's hand.

"No!" he reached out, but it was too late. She clasped her fist around the Gnosis, letting the power run through her. She yelped as the red liquid shined through her veins, but it dissipated only a moment later, leaving the Tsaritsa breathing heavily through the pain.

"That immense power is too much of a burden for any soul to carry," Zhongli stepped past Xiao's polearm.

Growling, the Tsaritsa whipped her body around to face him, "I don't need your advice, Morax. You may not be able to handle it, but I—urgh—I can."

Xiao looked up at Zhongli to await his response, but he said nothing. He stared solemnly at the Tsaritsa before another voice spoke up.

"Your Majesty, please...please listen," the voice panted. She turned to see Michael and Elizabeth lifting the man under his shoulders as he struggled to stand.

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