Chapter 11: Lonely? Me?

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Huffing, Kaeya held an ice pack wrapped in a thin cloth to the back of Elizabeth's head.

"I didn't realize you were right next to the door," he spoke with a hint of annoyance in his voice, "I'm sorry."

Elizabeth folded her arms and turned her head away from him, huffing herself. Kaeya guessed it was fair; after all, he probably would've done the same thing at her age.

"It was an accident," he pleaded, but the girl kept her nose pointed high in the air.

Just so long as she knows, Kaeya rolled his eyes.

From the table, Childe rested his head in his hand, "C'mon, Lizzie, don't you want to finish your dinner? It's cold again."

"I'll reheat it myself," she sassed. Childe, on the other hand, let his mind wander to the utility bill they would pay that month. He already reheated everyone's dinner once already. She didn't have much left on her plate, but nonetheless, it was a considerable amount to go to waste.

Looking solemnly at the plate, the girl came to the same conclusion. She resigned, "I'll finish it later."

Michael clicked his tongue, "Liz, you're being dramatic. Your head is fine, just eat the food."

"I heard that it's bad to eat right after a concussion," she said snootily.

"You don't have a concussion!" her older brother replied, rubbing his temples.

"Says you!"

He groaned at her ineffective comeback, but dropped the topic anyway. There was no point in reasoning with the unreasonable.

"We can leave it alone for now," Childe smiled in a hushed voice to the boys sitting at the table with him, "How was your guys' days? Besides getting yelled at by Kaeya."

"I would've said scary, but besides Kaeya..." Evan tapped his chin as he looked back at Childe, "Boring."

"You wouldn't be so bored if you came out of my room more often," he joked, ruffling the boy's hair.

Swatting away Childe's hands, Evan giggled, "No! Your hands are greasy!"

"What? Not true!" the man feigned offense as he brought his hand to his heart, "I can't believe you would assume such things!"

"Stop!" Evan whined, still giggling. Michael pursed his lips at the sound.

"I am so hurt," Childe sniffed, wiping a fake tear.

"No, you're not," Evan folded his arms.

"I'm not," he smiled back at the boy, "Good job on catching me, little rascal."

As the boy's laughter died down, Childe looked towards Michael, who was silently pushing the food around his plate. He took a minuscule bite, forcing it down his throat.

"What about you, Mike?" Childe asked, "What's new?"

He stared at the man for a second, then averted his gaze back down to the food, "The usual, I guess. Trained with Diluc, went to the town. Got called a slur again—"

"What?!" Elizabeth shrieked, pulling her head away from the ice pack. In normal circumstances, Kaeya would have been annoyed, but he was more intrigued in Michael's words at the moment.

"It's not a big deal," Michael spoke through his teeth, glaring pointedly at his sister.

"Yeah, actually, it kind of is," Childe urged, "What happened?"

Michael looked down at the skin on his arms. For as long as he could remember, his skin was a few shade darker than his siblings. Nothing too extreme, but enough that it made him stand out. He received that gift from his mother, a Venezuelan woman. The light patches on his skin made that gift even more apparent and brought him all kinds of attention; in fact, he figured that Childe and Kaeya may have been the only people in the world to never mention it.

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