how rich are these asians ?

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                                LONDON 1995

"Be careful your fingers".Eleanor says  to her two children and niece as they bring in the there luggage they have been caring all the the way from where they got off there plane because there dear aunt felicity says its not good to take a taxi this late at night

y/n watch's as her mother goings up to the front desk while her younger brother wipes his feet on the floor getting mud everywhere

"May I help you.this is the calthorpe private hotel" says the receptionist with dislike on he's face. "yes I'm Mrs. Eleanor young I have reservation at the lancaster suite we spoke on the phone when I confirmed yesterday"

"I am sorry but i don't see your reservation miss."Eleanor looks at him confused

Another recepitonist walks in to take care of the matter. "hello I'm Reginald Ormsby the manager"

"Yes hi am Eleanor young my family and I would like to be shown to are suite we've had a long flight"

"We are fully booked madam you must have made a mistake.I'm sure you and your lovely family can find other accommodation may I suggest you explore Chinatown" he say with a fake smile

"You can explore hell you dog turd". "auntie Felicity don't say that" y/n looks at her aunt with amuse. "please may I use your phone to call my husband it's the least you can do" Eleanor give the manager a smile know what she's about to do

"What do you think moms telling dad" nick says as he looks up at his big sister but all she does is shrug

They return back to that racist hotel.mrs young "I must ask you to leave or l'll call the police" the receptionist runs trying to stop Eleanor and her family from entering

"Please go right ahead" and right as Eleanor says that a man in a robe walks in heading to give Eleanor a big hug. "Eleanor I just got off the phone with your husband" he then looks at the manager "get the Lancaster suite ready now"

"Surely your joking sir"the manager look at the owner in disbelief. " I assume you am not"nick astrid and y/n look at each other smuggle. "as of this evening my family's long history as custodians of the calthorpe is ended
I'm selling the hotel to my dear friends the young family of Singapore meet the new lady of the house Eleanor young".Eleanor looks back at her family who is who is trying not to laugh and keep there composure

"Join me for a toast Eleanor". "we'd be delighted oh and get a mop the floor is wet" Eleanor says with relief on her face and starts to walk off with her two children holding her hand

Y/n and nick look back at the two men that had shock on there face and smirked knowing the power that they hold because of there last name

CRAZY RICH Y/N||||🧧💵💰Where stories live. Discover now