Chapter 17: The Attack

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First Person POV

Oh my god...Takamichi is an idiot

Just a couple of minutes ago we were at his house planning how to make him Toman Top...he said he had an idea and I had hope

But no...this guy wants to look at delinquent manga to find out how he can be Toman Top...

So now Takemichi and I are going while Chifuyu leaves me alone (Traitor)

The train arrives but soon a bunch of boys wearing red coats step out

"Out of the way fuxker" aggressively spoke out one boy, I grabbed Takemichi's arm to make myself look weak and to also pull Takemichi back

"Hey! Are you a delinquent?!" Yelled out The Boy "Hey! Bring that other guy here!"

Just then the guy pulled out Akkun from the crowd, "Oi, the look is he from Toman?"

"AKKUN!!!" Takemichi yelled out

"Takemichi you idiot" Atsushi muttered

"Takemichi you idiot" I mumbled as I let go of his arm

"Okay, Okay! Alright! You're my 5th Toman prey" The guy looked at both me and Takemichi eagerly as I stood in front of Takemichi

Thankfully, Chifuyu came out and jumped kicked his ass, "RUN AWAY YOU GUYS"

"Akkun, get on!" Takemichi commanded as Akkun got on his back

"I will catch up later!" Chifuyu yelled from behind

More guys started to chase us from behind, "Akkun! Who the hell are these guys!" I yelled out

I look back to see Chifuyu get punched by a guy with a weird haircut, but I had to protect Takemichi and Akkun at the moment, Damnit Chifuyu you better hold on

Time Skip

I don't know how but they managed to split up Takemichi and me, I saw Makoto and Yamagishi in which I pointed them in the direction where Takemichi is

I lead them into an alleyway where I beat the fuxk out of them, they won't be waking up any time soon (Probably in a couple of hours, do not worry they are not dead)

Do not know where Takemichi and the others are but all I can hope is that they are not dead

Maybe I should call now I need to get to a safe area, pretty sure I sprained my ankle while running away

Third Person POV

You find a cafe and decided to rest there and buy some sweets for yourself, pulling out your phone you call Takemichi

The first time didn't work but on the second call he answered, "Y/N!"

"Shut up Takemichi you left me....are you alive? Is Chifuyu alive? How about the others? If one of them is dead I will deal with the funeral bills" You stated

"No Y/N, for your disappointment we are all alive-"

"Y/N!?! SHE WAS WITH YOU GUYS!?!" Shouted a familiar voice in the back, within a few seconds it settled in Y/N's mind who the voice was

"Angry!? What are you doing there with Takemichi and Chifuyu?" You asked "And before you ask why I was with Takemichi and Chifuyu, we're going to look at the manga shop before we got jumped by those delinquents, I got separated from them and got trapped in an alleyway, luckily a boy with a blue helmet saved me and he took me to this cafe"

"Blue helmet...did it have cat ears?" Smiley asked, You agreed to his sentence

"Hmm...interesting..." You hear Smiley from your phone

"Anyways, I'll be at Perfect Pink Cafe, sprained my ankle while running from boys do whatever, Oh and Souya...make sure to pick me up," You asked

"Alright!" He loudly shouted, you giggle as you ended the call

Now you just have to wait...

Time Skip

As you sat by the window you spotted 2 colours of a familiar hairstyle, you stood up and walked over with 2 boxes of treats in your hand

"Hello, their boys" You greeted, "Y/N how are you ankle!?" Angry asked

"It is healed a bit, I can just rest at my home" You answered

But Angry being Angry, picked up and placed you on his motorcycle

"Angry I am fin—"

"Let's get you home fast!" Angry shouted as he soon sped off
You quickly wrapped your arms around

"Wow, they really did leave me here" Pouted Smiley


Words: 724

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