Chapter 8: Unexpected

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Time skip after Valhalla

November 17th, 2017...12 years since things in Toman started to change

Haven't seen Souya and Nahoya in a couple of years, I honestly don't know what happened but slowly the twins started distancing themselves and soon enough they stopped coming to school

As said its been 12 years and I now own a cafe, for baked goods and sweets and I am working on expanding my brand to other parts of the world

Yesterday a detective came to my cafe to ask me some questions, his name was Naoto Tachibana. I remember his name, he was Hinata Tachibana's younger brother

She died a few days ago...Anyways I learned that he knows about Takemichi's ability to time travel

From what I know; A boy named Chifuyu in this timeline is Takemichi's right-hand man, he agreed to sneak in some footage a few days back, but something happened to him and now the real Takemichi is back

He's agreed to meet up with Naoto, so while Naoto is getting Takemichi...he said someone else from the executive table wants to meet up with me

I don't know who it is...but I have an idea and I hope it is truly him...

It's now November 19 I am at a fancy restaurant, like a fancy restaurant at the top of the building

I got the message from the unknown executive on the 18th, yesterday

He gave me the address and the code to show proof that I have a reservation there

The text stated...

"Hey, it's been quite a long time since we last saw each other and I would like to have a conversation, I'll be waiting at Azure 45 restaurant" - from K

Here at such a restaurant, I had to at least dress well, so I put on one of my favourite formal wears

Its nothing too flashy but it does look professional and elegant

I stared out the window as I waited for this unknown person to arrive

It does look beautiful from here, I remember some of my memories from when I was younger

The rides I would have with Angry, and that date he took me to Mr. Tanaka's ramen shop

I honestly thought we were going to end up together, but now I'm here, still a single virgin as a 28-year-old

"Long time no see Y/N" spoke a person, I sighed at the voice but smiled. It wasn't the person who I thought it was but...

"It's nice to see you too, Smiley" I softly spoke as I turned around, he still had his wide smile with his eyes closed

I still have no clue why he always has them closed but still can see

Anyways, he sits down in the seat opposite mine, "How have you been these few years" I ask him

"I'm alive, my life could've been worse" he answered "You"

"Opened up a cafe for sweets and baked goods, guess my sweet tooth got the best of me," I said as I laughed but soon enough my laugh faded and I finally asked the question I've always wanted to ask "Nahoya. Why did you and Souya start to leave me in the first place? And, why are you now calling me to hang out" I asked

He chuckled a little, "Things in Toman started to get a little dangerous in Toman, so Souya stated that it was best to distance ourselves from you, as soon as things started to get very badly around Toman...we just left you" he answered

I roll my eyes, "You know I can fight well right?", my family's technique is amazing so I'll be prepared for anything

"Yes, but it was obvious that Toman was shirting into more of a Yakuza gang, you told Souya how you imagine your future when he asked you out on that date, he didn't want to ruin that perfect image for you" answered Smiley

"But I imagined it with Souya...*sighs* Now, why did you call me" I spoke sternly

"I just wanted to see an old friend" spoke Smiley with his smile

"Then where is Souya. I haven't told anyone yet but I signed a contract, and I'm going overseas to expand my business, I don't know when I'll be back...I just want to see him once" I spoke, my face frowning a bit

"...I wish I can see him once more too...", Smiley then frowned which was a shock to me but then his words hit my head

"'...He's gone isn't he..." I ask, with slight tears in my eyes

He didn't respond and his head looked down, but a slight nod was seen

My greatest fear was true, a tear drops from my eye. I grab a napkin from the table a carefully wipe the tear-off, "Don't you even start telling me how it happened" I sternly stated

"Don't worry, I don't think I have the heart and soul to talk about it...Y/N I already knew about your contract and you going overseas soon, that is why I  contacted you...truth be told is that I maybe have been stalking you ever since Souya died...2 years ago..." awkwardly spoke Smiley

" you want to hang out with me before I leave...understandable" I softly spoke

I do want to cry my heart out, but it's best to do that at home; a more comfortable place. For now, I'll just have a nice moment with Nahoya

"You know what let's just have a nice moment and reminisce on the past before I leave..." I spoke with a smile

Smiley looks up at me and to my surprise his eyes were open! To my surprise, his eyes were blue, eyes that looked just like Souyas...

I pick up a menu that was on my side and opened it because a good conversation cannot go well without a meal

"What the actual fuck. Why the hell is one tiny stake $250? I am going to make this clear, I am paying 1/4 of this meal" I stated

"1/4?" Smiley questioned me with that "seriously" look

"Yes, at least I'm paying because I am not that broke and I am generous~" I sassed a little

Needless to say, the hangout was great, Nahoya dropped me off at my house

Third Person POV

Y/N waved goodbye to Nahoya for the last time in a long time and headed inside her house

There were some boxes placed around the house, some empty some half full, and only a few of them that are packed and closed

Y/N walks through her house to her bedroom and clears everything up

Starting from getting changed into her most comfortable clothes, and getting the tissue box, some of her favourite sweets, and a water bottle. Putting it beside her bedside

After all that she jumps onto her bed and soon enough the tears start falling out

She was surprised about how long she managed to keep her sorrow in

After a while her eyes start getting sleepy, her mind a picture of Souya is remembered

"I will always remember you my dear" Y/N thought as she drifted away to sleep


Words: 1219

Blue RoseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora