Chapter 1: His Thoughts

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Angry/Souya POV

I don't like this year's class arrangement, me and bro don't have any classes together!

At least I'm doing good in all my classes

Then again no one ever talks to me, is it because of the face I make?

Time Skip

Soon enough I'm already at the 2nd last period of the day

I get into my seat and think about what should bro and I do after class

Just then someone tapped my shoulder

"Um, excuse me..." said The Girl

I flinch quickly since I wasn't suspecting anyone to talk to me

It was a girl, she was very pretty

"Uh, are you related to Nahoya?" Asked The Girl

"Yeah he's my twin brother, I'm the younger twin," I said aggressively

"Oh no, please don't take it offensively, I didn't mean to sound so rude," I thought

"Oh! That makes sense why they addressed him by his first name" said The Girl

I was just about to ask her how she know aniki but then the teacher came in

But, she looks very sweet, maybe she's keeping her thoughts on how I acted to herself

Time Skip: P.E

"Okay, class! Today we're just going to be stretching in different poses, so get a partner and pick a booklet, it has pictures of poses you could do!" Said, Mr. Hajime

People start turning to people and taking partners

I tried to ask people but I was always too late

Then again I felt another tap on my shoulder flinching again

When I looked back, it was her again

"Do you wanna be my partner?" Said The Girl

"Uh...yeah!" I said

Why am I stuttering so much?

We then got a booklet, she stated that she was flexible so she would do all the harder moves

Which was helpful doing the poses

The thing I realized about her is that she's blunt and calm

She was not embarrassed when we were doing the poses together and she gave her opinion when we failed to do them correctly

Then soon enough school ends and we pack up our stuff

Third Person POV

Smiley runs up to Angry and they both hop onto their bikes

They have decided to explore around the neighbourhood and see if there is anyone they could beat up

Just as they were about to head home Smiley sees a conflict in the corner of his eyes

"Hmm, seems like some bastards are messing with that girl," said Smiley

Angry looks at the area and remembers the face of the girl

"Oh, she's the new kid," said Angry

"Oh yeah! Now I even more excited to punch those guys" said Smiley parks his bike and gets off it

Smiley gets a running start and jump kicks the guy holding the violin

Angry heads over to the girl while Smiley deals with the delinquents

The girl looks up and sees the current situation

"Hello there again," Said The Girl

"Are you alright?!" Said Angry

"Well they tripped me earlier so I have a bad scratch on my elbow, don't worry! I'm on my way to the hospital anyway to see my Grandpa" Said The Girl

Angry pulled out a bandaid that he always has on him and gives it to the Girl

"Thank you," Said The Girl "Hold up what's your name again? I never really asked back at P.E or Science"

"I'm Souya Kawata and that's my brother Nahoya, call me Angry and him Smiley," said Angry

"Angry and Smiley? Well that's adorable seeing how much of a cutie you are" Said The Girl "I'm Y/N L/N by the way"

Angry face was shocked and a bit flustered

Many of the delinquents ran off, Smiley was dealing with one that got left behind

"I'll see you tomorrow Angry," said The Girl while rolling off with her skates

"WHAT THE?! DID I/SHE JUST SAY THAT?!" Both Y/N and Angry think

Y/N soon skates off into the distance

Angry on the other hand was left shocked

"Hey, let's get going home now, pretty sure we have some stuff to do," said Smiley with his wide smile

Angry didn't respond and just kept staring into the direction of where Y/N left

"Yo? You good?" Asked Smiley

"Y-Yeah, just a little shocked," said Angry

Smiley saw the slight blush on his younger brother's face

"Ooh, I'm going to tease him at home," thought Smiley

The twins then headed home and got comfortable

Right now they were at the table doing homework

Angry was a straight-A student doing all his homework

While Smiley was a C and B student doing his homework here and there

He could've failed his classes if it weren't for his younger brother

"So, do you have a crush on the new girl?" Asked Smiley

Angry almost dropped his pencil hearing those words

"No!" Angry quickly responded

"Then why were you blushing back then?" Said, Smiley

"She called me a cutie," said Angry

"Haha!" Laughed Smiley

"And, we just meet today, it's too early for that," said Angry

Angry couldn't get the words you said out of his mind

"Why am I thinking about this?" Thinks Angry


Words: 873

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