"SHUT UP.." I roar in a VR tone and see that Ridhima flinch on her place and she was sweating in nervousness, oh yeah It better suits you. All the wrong compliments you were receiving should be corrected and believe me wifey you will definitely have to receive your share of punishment. I look into her eyed fiercely and she pleaded me through her eyes not to create any scene in-front of all but now the time was gone and now no one can reduce my anger. I declined all her pleading and divert my gaze towards all the villagers.

" WHO IN THE HELL TOLD YOU ALL THAT SHE IS MY WIFE. Don't you all know that I only love one girl in my life beyond anything and that is my late wife Ragini, I can never think of any other girl rather than her and this girl Ridhima can not even match my standards. She is far away from the way of being Mrs Vansh rai Singhania." I said in no nonsense tone, clearly stating that I was beyond angry right now and now whatever I will be saying will be due to my anger issues. Dad hold my hand so that I would came in my sense but today I think all my inner trauma of 3 years due to Ridhima is coming out and believe me I can't handle it anymore now. So I free my hand from dad's hand while there was but obviously utter silence in the hall.

" And let me clear you one thing, this girl is nothing to me and my family. She is JUST A CARETAKER OF MY CHILD ROHAN , she has no standards of being a rai Singhania. She is just a middle class girl who is here for money and yeah she can do anything for money so here she is babysitting my child Rohan instead of doing job in the field in which she is graduated. Because she also knows that babysitting my child will give her more money than doing her job." I said with manic smirk on my face and I knew that I hit the masterstroke as the expression on the face was exactly same that I expected. She lose her job while working in my company and by disclosing that part of the memory in her heart I refreshed all the memories and pain of her past. She was looking towards me in a broken stare with tear dripping from her eyes and in instance there is no particular reaction on her face. It looks like that she was blankly looking at me with a slightly opend mouth, And her this State broke something inside me but right now my anger was much more larger than anything so none her action was affecting me. Everyone including my family members was looking at me silently with shocked face, after some moment when there was not any kind of moment I decided to call off the meeting then and there.

" I think that now all of your doubt got cleared about that girl that she is not my wife but just a caretaker of my child. So that's it, it's enough for the day and now the meeting is over. Hope to see you all tonight in the puja and at our dinner party, Please come with whole family and enjoy our hospitality. As of Now all of you can go and continue your respective works." All the villagers leave the hall 1 by 1 and now everyone was gone, And as expected all the family members are looking at me with shocked gaze and also some what fear as they have seen the old VR after long time and trust me my dad also fears from the old version of me. I thank my stars as Rohan was not in the home during this drama or else my child will hate me for sure for doing this to her favourite mom. everyone was still in the state of the shock and no one has even moved from there place when I see that Ridhima silently leave the hall and make her way towards the backyard of the mention. her eyes are deprived of tears now and the only thing that I can see in that expressive eyes right now is blankness and loneliness , she was loosely holding her sari Pallu and the way she was walking indicates like she was even experiencing the weight of her body. With slowly and steady step she leaves the hall, She doesn't even listen to the constant calling of Dadi and just walk away from the place.

Even after this much thing that she has done to me I don't know why her this state was affecting me every now and then, I can't handle this anymore. After hurting her this much there should be content statisfication  and happiness inside my heart but I am experiencing unknown pain in my heart. Instead of being happy my heart was crying from inside, my heart was bleeding and telling me that go to her and fix each and every part of her. But I remind myself that I doesn't have to fall in the trap of that goal, I have done that mistake in the past by not believing Ragini and the cost was my wife life. but as it is said it was completely your fault only if you repeat one mistake again second time, so it is clear that once I have tasted the medicine of my own by believing that girl over my wife but now not anymore. I will not fall for that beautiful trap of her eyes , I believe that last few days I was some what soft towards but now again she will see The same Vansh Who was ruthless and dangerous. I came out of my thoughts when dadi jerk me from my arms and what she does next I have never expected that. She gave a tight slap on my face and I was just looking towards her in confused and shock state, my anger again rise as because of that girl today my Dadi Also slapped me. I knew it that one more moment here and I will do something that again I'll recieve another slap from my dad and I am in no mood to file others  mood in the family toady, So I silently with a sore mindset leave the hall. Everyone was asking me one thing another but I am in no mood to listen any of them and I just make my way towards my room.

As soon as I enter my room I broke all the things that came in my way, at last I broke the mirror. The same mirror in which Ridhima was getting ready today's morning and due to this my hand starts to bleed. This incident remind me of the day after the marriage when I hurt my hand and Ridhima has done my dressing. Oh God everything even this incident was reminding me of that girl , What is happening to me? Why every now and then I'm thinking about her, I am feeling like an angry bull who has so much anger inside him but doesn't Know for what. I was going to break another vase when the door of my room brust open with a thud revealing Aryan and angry at the same time. I look at  them In a confused gaze as They very well know that no one disturbs me when I was angry, and in the past also I have make it very clear not to  came in my way when I was angry then why they are  here today. Oh yes must be they  Are here to take side of their favourite sister-in-law, but not NOW or else I will hurt them also. So I just show my palm in the direction indicating them to stop but both of that stubborn person came anyway.

" listen one thing very carefully Aryan, Right now I am in no mood to listen to your ranting about that girl. It will be better for You both if you leave this room right now or else even I don't know what I will do next." I said while indicating them through my eyes towards the door. Aryan said me to listen only one thing before it's too late but right now I am in no mood to listen anything about that girl, so I just  hold the arm  of Aryan and was dragging him out of my room. On the way suddenly someone holds my arm and  when I look back it was angry, Angrey never dare to  against me and today here he is holding my hands. With one raised eyebrow I look towards him to which he pleaded to just listen to them once, at last he said that if I doesn't want to listen to them then just say one video clip of a person and then everything will be clear. not for Aryan but if angrey is pleading this much then there should be something very serious.

For sometime I kept my anger aside and leave Aryan 's hand, Aryan closes the door of my room while angry handed me a glass of water. I drink it and then angry told me to sit but I clearly said them that if they want to tell something  then do it fastly otherwise they will be really out of this room. Without wasting any other  minute Aryan handed me the phone in which he has started some video, And what I see in the video is  enough to completely snatches the land away from the bottom of my leg.


Hello guys

I know I updated late but as I said that my college started and therefore I am not able to write anything. I hope that you all enjoy this chapter and yes I will update next part soon I don't know when but I will update it soon. I expect your reaction about this chapter in the comments section.

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