Jealous drunk

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Another party night at the Carrington manor.

It was going on full swing, all the senators and officers were present. Blake was having a blast, with Crystal by his side. Both had huge smiles on their faces.

Sam, Kirby, Fallon, Culhane, Amanda, everyone was having fun. Some dancing, some drinking and some just laughing their asses off. Except Liam.

He was sulking in the corner. His eyes downcasted at the empty glass he just downed. The third one actually. He had his cheek pressed to his fist and another hand rounded the glass around, creating a nosy sound on the marble bar counter.

Finally, finally, Fallon noticed the missing presence beside her and started wandering her blue eyes around. Searching for the loving eyes of her husband.

She spotted him in the corner bar, looking defeated and torn within.

"I'll be back a in min." She said to Culhane who was hurling about some ridiculous trip he went on with Sam. He frowned but nodded and let her go.

Fallon stopped in front of her husband and gently placed her hand on his shoulder, gaining his attention.

"Look who's here!" Liam said rather loudly, smiling sheepishly, his blue eyes glazed over because of the amount of alchohol he downed. "My gracious wife! Finally, do you remember me? I'm Liam, your husband?" He waved his hand at her.

Fallon could feel eyes on them, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him on his feet.

"You're drunk, love. Let's take you to room."

"N-no no no no no. I'm having fuuunnnn-" he slurred, tumbling on his feet and almost losing balance, Fallon quickly grabbed around his waist, steadying him.

Their group of friends noticed the turmoil and trudged over to them.

"Hey, everything okay?" Culhane asked Fallon.

This made Liam fume and he smirked, letting his inner scoff out.

"Everything's okay." Fallon told him, still helping Liam stand up.

"Yeah, Culhane, we're okay. We don't need you-" he pointed his finger on Culhane's chest and pushed him back, making all of them frown. "Back off. Fal's mine and I won't tolerate you goofing all over her for one second more!" He spat, his eyes glossy from both anger and the alchohol.

Fallon's eyes widened, she coughed a bit.

"Alllright, tiger. Let's go now." She smiled at their gaping friends and dragged a yelling Liam back upstairs to their room.


Following morning, Liam woke up with a loud groan, feeling his head flaming up in pain. He grabbed his head and fluttered his eyes open to see a glass of water and a tablet infront of his eyes.

He sat up and accepted them, drinking the whole glass down and sighing heavily.

"Feeling any better?" Fallon asked, sitting by him and gently massaging his forehead.

Liam grunted in response, enjoying the warm, soft fingers tap against his aching head.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Fallon asked after a few minutes.

Liam reopened his eyes and looked at her, his brows furrowed in confusion.


"That you didn't like me talking to Culhane."

Liam's mouth parted but he quickly went back to being oblivious.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He darted his eyes away from his prying wife.

Sighing, Fallon held the sides of his face, focusing her gaze in his sad blue eyes, inching close so they were feeling each other's breaths.

"It's okay." She spoke softly, bumping their noses and letting their foreheads rest together. "I understand, babe. You should've just told me. You know there's nothing to be jealous about, right? I have no feelings for him anymore, nothing."

Although Liam felt a sigh of relief leave past his lips as a huge rock lifted off his chest, he remained stoic, he pulled away from Fallon and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I wasn't jealous."

"Yeah?" Fallon smirked, linking their fingers together and laughing softly.


She raised an eyebrow at him.

Rolling his eyes, Liam sighed in defeat, huffing and scoffing.

"Fine fine. Just a bit, I guess."

They locked eyes and bursted out laughing in sync.

Still laughing, Fallon pulled him close and connected their lips in a sweet kiss.

Her hands buried in his dirty blonde hair while he rested his hands on her slender waist, kissing her deeply with passion.

They pulled away and smiled at each other.

"I love you too much to have an eye for any other." She assured, bringing his head down and planting a loving kiss on his temple.

Liam hummed happily and took her hands in his, kissing her knuckles and nodding in acknowledgment.

"I love you too. I'm sorry I got carried away. I trust you."

They leaned in for another kiss, with smiles on their lips.


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