Chapter 2: Inaya

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"Hey, are you alright?"

The voice was deep.

“My name's Sami.”

“Good for you. Who are you and why am I here?”

“Oh I don’t know, I was taking my dog out for a walk and this big black van stopped right next to me and now I’m here.”

“You didn’t kidnap me?”

“Oh no I got kidnapped too, they got you after me, I heard you yelling but I fainted right after that.”

“Well there must be a reason they wanted you. What did you do?”

“I’m a software engineer. I don’t know what I possibly could’ve done to get kidnapped. Maybe their wifi was slow and they thought if they kidnapped me Verizon would give them better connection?” He laughed.

“How are you laughing? Do you even know where we are? Do you think this is funny?”

“Well I was having a good day and now I’m kidnapped and blindfolded with a woman who won’t laugh at my jokes. I should’ve known. Good days never last for me.”

“I was already having a shitty day and now this?? When it rains it really pours, huh?”

The door opens. There were footsteps and a loud thud as the door closed.

“What do we do with the girl?” The first voice spoke.
“She wasn’t apart of the plan so I don’t know. Let’s just kill her.” The second voice laughed.

“Go ahead and try!” I said. I sound so stupid. Of course they can kill me, they don’t even need to try. I don’t know why I said that. I always put myself in a bigger mess than intended.

“Yeah lady, that’s the plan. We don’t need your permission”

They took off my blindfold. This guy looks like the only thing he eats is a bucket of fried chicken. Make it two. Two buckets of fried chicken. For breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He was so close to my face I could smell his smelly fried chicken breath mixed with not brushing his teeth for god knows how long. I saw Sami, blind folded, he hasn’t said a word. I’m about to get killed and this man has not said a word. He probably thinks this is funny as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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