Chapter 1: Inaya

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Work was so exhausting today. All I wanted to do was take a warm bath and snuggle up to my husband at home.

I was walking home today because my husband took the car for a business trip. He was supposed to pick me up but he said he'd be too late.

I didn't want to make a big scene out of it, so I just shrugged it off. No point in making a big deal out of it. My legs were fine to walk home, no problem. I was on my phone when I looked up and saw a man getting dragged into a van.

He looked back and our eyes connected. "Fuck." I mumbled. I started sprinting off. Damn, I was out of breath. My house was only a block away. I could make it. Right?

I got so close but the men were too fast. One of them grabbed me from behind and put a cloth around my mouth. I'm guessing he drugged me with chloroform because seconds later I was knocked out.

I woke up in an abandoned building. Or I am guessing it was. I could be in that guys basement. Or, you know, an abandoned building.

It was dark and I could hear droplets of water. It was eerily quiet. Very unsettling. I was struggling to see so I tried feeling around to see if anything was nearby.

I could feel a chain around my leg. I jumped up and immediately regretted it. I stumbled as soon as I got to my feet. I hit my head on the wall behind me and scratched up my leg. I was whimpering when I heard a voice.

|Author's Note|

Hey guys :) I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my new story. I don't know what to call it so name suggestions or really any suggestions are welcome in the comments. I will try my best to take in your words and make them useful. Thanks for reading and I'm excited for you guys to see what is to come. Ok BYE ;)

Oh also side note can someone help me with the cover? I'm not a very artistic person so it would be greatly appreciated.

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