Escaping my Boredom

Start from the beginning

"Yes mom," I reply, scooping up my books and bringing them to my room; the walls are a navy blue and the floors a warm brown wood, there's a soft blue rug, the bed is made with a multicolored quilt and fluffy pillows, there are shelves lining one wall - filled with things I've collected over the years, and there is a chest and dresser against one wall - the chest filled with different artwork I've created and the dresser stuffed with clothes.

I jump on my bed, grabbing the book about space as I lean on my elbows and open to the index:


1. The 6
2. 17
3. 23
4. 29
5. 51
6. 74
7. How to go to 98

I flip to page 29 and look through some of the planets listed.


Planet Casteria
*there are 5 castes; 1 is royals, 2 is nobles, 3 is government officials/employees, 4 is doctors/lawyers/engineers, 5 is peasants/servants/slaves/farmers/hostages/prisoners of war
*each caste has different physical characteristics; 1 is rose gold hair with rose gold eyes, 2 is shock white hair with pale grey eyes, 3 is lavender colored hair with violet eyes, 4 is turquoise colored hair with ocean blue eyes, 5 is chocolate brown colored hair with bright orange eyes
*caste cannot be changed
*the army ranks are as followed: commander (1), general (3), captains (9), soldiers (2,500)
*tropical weather, plenty of rainforests, 1 mountain range, many rivers and streams

Planet Cervidae
*there is royalty (king, queen, etc. + their advisers)
*the king/queen have ebony eyes, ivory antlers, pitch black hair, creamy white skin
*males have regular tan antlers, caramel colored skin, dark brown hair and eyes
*females have tan, flower dotted antlers, caramel colored skin, hazel eyes and chocolate brown hair
*no army - planet is neutral
*mild weather, thickly wooded forests, lush vegetation, no carnivores

Planet Rupture
*two different races, constantly at war with one another
*fairies: immortal, ivory skin, platinum blonde hair, pastel colored eyes, a welcoming people
*rolling plains, lush valleys, flower filled meadows, sparkling rivers of water
*faeries: immortal, decaying grey flesh, matted, stringy black hair, crazed, pure red eyes, kills any tresspassers
*barren, rocky terrain, dead vegetation, insect infested, murky brown water

Planet Terat
*most like Earth
*currency - drachmas
*same geography as the Earth
*military consists of the navy, the army, the marines, the air force
*males: orange/brown skin, green eyes, orange/brown hair
*females: yellow/brown skin, sky blue eyes, yellow/blue/brown hair
*is a monarchy

Planet Ruination
*geography: barren and rocky, dry, flat, craggy land, no sign of life (like vegetation or animals)
*climate: frigid temperatures year round
*people: Void and Order, the two's servants, and the two's warriors
*government: monarchy (Void and Order are the sole rulers, warriors are seen as trained cattle and their lives of no value, servants are viewed as able-bodied people meant to serve and who are expendable

Planet Primera
*first ever planet
*Chaos, creator of the universe, makes home here
*home of the Elite Team (the army of the universe)
*all species welcome
*planet divided into different environments
*the castle of Chaos is in the center of everything
*twice a year, there is a contest that anyone can enter if they wish for a spot in the army
*is ruled by royalty (and the Elite Team also serve as advisors)

Next, I flip to page 98 and read about how one can actually go to space...


In order for one to travel from their planet out into the reaches of the universe, one must first choose a destination. Only with a destination in mind will one be able to go anywhere; with no destination chosen one of two things will happen: you won't go anywhere, or you will be transported into empty space and will most certainly die a slow, horrible death.

Once a destination has been chosen (if you are new to this, a good place to start would be the Space Travel Agency), latch onto that thought in your mind and keep it there, like it's tethered.

Then you must stand somewhere with a radius of at least five feet around you, as to ensure you are the only thing that travels.

While you are standing (make sure not to take the book with you) think of your destination and clearly say it out loud.

I sit up in bed, gripping the book excitedly as my mind whirls with thoughts and half-formed ideas.

I stand and race to the kitchen where my mom is making meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and green beans.

I skid to a stop in front of her, the book in my hands and a wild gleam in my eyes.

"Oh boy. What have you gotten yourself into this, Percy?"

Pouting, I straighten and cross my arms over my chest. "Fine, I won't tell you then."

My mom rolls her eyes and plops the meatloaf in the pan before sliding it into the oven and setting a timer. "Don't be such a baby, Percy. Just tell me whatever it is that you need to tell me."

Offering her a sheepish smirk, I sit at a barstool and nervously place the book on the counter. "Well," I begin cautiously, toying with the sleeve of my shirt, "I was reading this book about planets and the universe and stuff, and I guess it's possible for one to actually, like, go there." I pause and frown, adding, "To space, I mean."

My mom stares blankly at me, moving to begin peeling the potatoes. "I see. And what, exactly, do you want to accomplish with this information?"

I cough awkwardly. "I mean, you know I've been a bit...umm...bored and whatnot recently so I was just thinking maybe this would be...interesting."

"Right. And how safe is this? Do you have any idea where you wanna go? Plus you won't know anyone..."

"I know, I know. And yeah, I guess maybe it's a bit risky but... I feel like I need this. I mean, I haven't done anything in years and it's making me feel kind of useless, you know? Besides, I'm sure I can make friends and it couldn't be that hard to find a suitable place to live."

My mom sighs heavily and looks up at me after a long moment of deliberation. "If you really want this, I'll let you go." A wide smile breaks out over my face only to fall when she raises a hand and adds, "But on two conditions."

I nod eagerly, giving her my baby seal eyes. "One, the date you leave must be confirmed with me, first. And two, you have to promise to write to me, Hades, Hecate, and Aphrodite."

"Yes, Mom, I promise. So when can I go?"


"Yes, Mom, love you, too! And I love you guys as well," I smile, waving happily at my mom, aunts, and uncle.

"You'll write, won't you?"


My mom gives me one last hug, tears welling in both of our eyes. "I'll come see you guys again one day." They all nod, watching sadly as I step back into the middle of the room.

I think of my destination, the Space Travel Agency, before saying it aloud. And as my words fade away into silence, a dim light begins to envelop me and whisk me away to what I hope is the STA.

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