"Because... Where we are going, the city is more lively at night" Diego answered.

"Los Angeles"

Five snorted. "Yeah. Because they would let a kid in casinos or clubs"

"You are saying this like it would be hard for you to get inside," Ben said. He was corporal now. Because it would be easier to talk with him like this, than having Klaus transmit everything he says.

"Fair point"

It was quiet again. The only sound was coming from the car engine. Not even the radio was on. Five felt his eyes growing heavy. He hadn't managed to sleep properly last night because of another nightmare. And now the moving car was lulling him to sleep. Five tried to fight off the urge to sleep, but he wasn't successful.

Diego looked beside him when he felt a weight falling on his shoulder and he saw Five asleep with his head on his shoulder. 

"Awww. The baby had fallen asleep"Klaus cooed.

"Klaus pay attention to the road", Ben scolded him from where he was sitting in the passenger seat. He may be a ghost and Klaus may have the ability to come back from the dead. But Diego nor Five are not dead or have the ability to revive.


Five knew that it was coming. It always does. The nightmares, that he always forgets when he wokes up, but still remain with the smell of blood and putrid bodies that makes him sick. One hour after Five had fallen asleep, he started to twitch, gaining Diego's attention. Diego looked worriedly at his brother. What was wrong? Does he have a nightmare? Is he feeling sick? He was about to wake him up. But then he was still. Maybe it was nothing. Wrong. Because a few seconds later Five woke up and threw up on the car floor.

"Wah. Klaus. Pullover"Diego shouted as he rubbed Five back, who coughed and choked. "Easy. Easy. You are alright"When Klaus pulled over Diego go out of the car and he helped Five out from the car as well. Five fell on the ground and he continued to throw up bile. Diego brushed the hair, that was growing longer, from his brother's face with one hand and rubbed his back with the other. "Alright. It's alright. You are ok", he crooned. A couple of minutes later he stopped but he was still not moving, as he panted. "Five. You alright, buddy? No, wait. This is a stupid question. You are not alright. "

"I'm fine", he said his voice hoarse.

"Yeah. I can see this"Diego looked up as he heard someone approaching him, to see Viktor. The other car stopped behind his own and everyone was out and looking worried. He grabbed the water and tissues from his brother. "Go. I handled it", he said.

Diego poured some water on the tissues and he used it to wipe Five's mouth. He must be out of it if he didn't protest. Luckily he didn't throw up on himself. Or on Diego. "Here. Drink some water", he said helped him drink the remaining water as he threw the tissues away.

"Why didn't you say that you are sick?'Diego scolded him. But his tone was gentle and not harsh.

"I'm not sick. "

"Yeah. Right?"

"I'm not", Five said with a glare. Which wasn't frightening at all with how pale he was. 

"Then what happened?"

"I had a nightmare. They are pretty nasty. They always make me throw up" Even if he doesn't remember them, he has a feeling that they are about his siblings being dead.

Diego looked worriedly at his little brother. Just how horrible his nightmares are that makes him throw up like this. "Do you want to talk about with?"

Five shook his head. Of course. The stubborn little shit. "Five..."

"I don't want to talk about them, because I don't remember them. I never do. I know that they are bad because when I woke up, I woke up with the smell of blood and putrid bodies."

Shit. "It's alright. It was just a nightmare. It wasn't real" Diego said as he ran a hand through Five hair. "How long did you have them?"

"Pretty much all my life"

"Shit Five. Why didn't you say anything?"

Five didn't say anything. And Diego figured it out immediately. Five didn't say anything because he would make him look weak or pathetic. Which was far from true. But this is Five he was talking about. Diego sighed and he pulled his little brother, closer to him, until he was on his lap, making him squeak. So adorable.

"What are you doing, you idiot?"Five asked as he pushed on Diego's chest to get away from him. But Diego wrapped his arms tightly around him and trapped him against his chest. 

"Five. Listen to me and listen close. You don't need to hide things from us. Stop hiding when you are hurt, sick, or having a nightmare. For goodness sake, you are not being weak or childish if come to us for help. We are your family. We love you and we want to help you" Five perked up when he heard Diego say that they love him. Really? Because the way they acted with him, didn't show that they love him that much. 

As if hearing Five thoughts Diego ran his fingers through his little brother's hair. "I know that we acted like shits with you, even since you come back. And we gave you motive to doubt our love. And I'm very sorry. The others are sorry too. I promise that I..we love you. Very much and you can come to us. Alright?"

Five nodded after a few seconds of hesitance before he made himself comfortable against Diego's chest. He knew that they should return back on the road. But a few minutes of cool fresh air would not hurt. Diego didn't protest as he kept Five in his arms and he looked at his little brother who looked more relaxed as he pressed a short kiss on top of his head. When Five started to shiver, he urged him to get up. The others had cleaned the car in their absence. But the smell was still there. So worried that Five would get sick again, because of the smell, Diego and Five changed places with Luther and Viktor, and they climbed in the backseat of Allison's car. 

"Are you alright Five?"Allison asked

"I'm fine"

Allison looked at Diego and her brother nodded, that yes Five was alright. Or he would be alright. Satisfied, she started back the car and started to drive again.

Diego wrapped an arm around Five shoulders and pulled him closer. Five rolled his eyes but he still snuggled against Diego's chest. Diego knew that Five was afraid of going back to sleep. So he started a talk about him, asking him what he wanted to see first once they would arrive in Los Angels. And how he would hide from the security once he would blink inside the casinos or clubs. And Five entertained him with his explanations. He could be stealthy and fall off the radar. He could have as much fun there as his siblings, even if he looks like a 13-year-old, and people would give him weird looks. He even told him how he would sneak out alcohol from the bar. Deigo smiled as he listened to him and for once he didn't scold him that alcohol is not good for him. 

He knew that this was temporary. That once Five would fall asleep there's an 85% chance that he would have nightmares again. But Five can't just stop sleeping. It's not healthy. And Diego would find a way. There are non-adictive pills that can help. If that doesn't work, he would give him the addictive one too, if necessary. Only that with that he would monitor him to not become Klaus 2.0. Or he can always cuddle with his brother, Who knows? Maybe if someone sleeps beside him, he would feel safe and not have a nightmare anymore.  Yes. He had one when he slept on his shoulder in the car. But it's a difference between a comfy bed and a moving car. He doesn't know yet. But he swears to God that he would cure his brother from his nightmares.

The umbrella academy: In which Five gets all the love he deservesWhere stories live. Discover now