Untitled Part 55

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Five thought that after the fiasco in the '63, once they would be home, he would be able to have a normal life. Well. As normal life as someone like him can have. If it's hard to be part of a family with superpowers, it's even harder to be 58 years old and trapped in a 13-year-old body. His siblings had tried to make him reenter in the society and make friends with people his age. Which is easier to say than done. No way in hell he would spend time with teenagers, and listen about their angst and the failed love life and all the shit. It's enough that he has his own teenage angst and puberty trouble. And if he hangs with people at the age of 58, they would either call him weird or would look weird to the outsiders. Or they would treat him like a little kid. No way in hell.

So he prefers to live the rest of his life in the house. He's very content there. Thank you very much. So yeah. He had thought that once home, the craziness would go away. Wrong.

It happened a few weeks after they returned back home. Five walked downstairs in the morning. He was surprised to see how silent it was. Normally at this hour, his siblings would be awake and there would either be screaming noises or something would be broken. But the house was devoid of noise. Five brushed it at nothing. He knew that his siblings have a life and they probably left early.

So he walked into the kitchen and made himself some coffee and breakfast. As he sat down at the table and eat, he realized how weird it was feeling. He always complains when his family drags him down to eat with them. But despite his complaints, he always enjoys eating with his family. No matter how crazy their family meals are. But now as he was sitting alone at the table, it made him feel like was back in the Apocalypse. Five shook his head to get rid of that thoughts. No. He wasn't there anymore. He was back home and his siblings are safe and alive. After he finished eating, Five locked himself in the library. If he let himself be engrossed in a book, the time would fly faster and his siblings would be back home.


Several hours had passed and Five had finished the random book he had taken from the shelves. It was a fiction book. He had never been a fan of this kind of books. That was more Ben's specialty. He was more of a fan of science books. Five walked out of the house library and he realized that the house was still devoid of life. He frowned. Now he started to get worried. Where are his siblings? When he walked into the living room, he noticed a piece of paper that hadn't been there before. When he took it and read it his blood boiled in anger.

                                                                                                 Dear Five

        We politely announce you that we have your siblings. They are safe and unscathed. For now. If you want to save them, then come to this destination xxxxx. You have time until 7 in the evening. If you are not there until then, then you say goodbye to your family.

                                                                                                                         Love. Your old friend.

Five ripped the paper into pieces. He would make sure that whoever this person was, they would pay dearly for his taking his family. Old friend? There must be someone from the Commison. He thought that now with Herb in charge, the Commison would not bother them anymore. Apparently, he was wrong. Looking at the time he realized that it was 17:45. He has less than two hours to find them. He blinked away from the house, in Diego's car. His car was here. He should have checked outside in the morning. Now because of his stupidity, his siblings might be dead. Five shook his head. No. He won't think like this. They would be fine. He would save them. He started the car and he drove towards the destination. He know the place, It was an abandoned warehouse, right beside the building where he had exploded and he got the shrapnel wound from.

The umbrella academy: In which Five gets all the love he deservesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat