Chapter Eight

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Nighttime. The day came. Going out with friends, because Childe invited you all. Since Itto and Shinobu both gave you their socials, they've been added to the groupchat. Luckily everyone recognized them, and Childe even offered to invite them as well, he just had to modify his reservation a little.

The restaurant was quite far away from you, so this time you had to use your car. You had to admit, you were always a little afraid of using it, because it was a gift you got for your 18th birthday from your parents, and even though it was already used, it was still very precious.

Since the place you were headed to was  "VERY fancy" according to your friend,so you figured you'd have to dress up nicely for this evening. ...That's exactly what you did.

• • •

The car ride there wasn't that long, it only took you 30 minutes. Though, you were surprised by what you saw when you stepped outside. It was a very tall building with wide glasses serving as walls on the outer part, from where you could see the entire city. All floors were lit from the inside, it looked like everything in there was currently used.

It was very beautiful. You could only dream to make a reservation at a place like this.

"Hey, y/n! Stop staring and come here!" you heard a voice calling out to you. You turned around to see where they are, then noticed a group of people standing there. You quickly made your way over to them.

"I wasn't late this time!" you stated with a proud smile on your face. "That's right, but now the host himself is late!" said Keqing in disbelief. "Maybe he still has some things to take care of. Regardless, I can tell this will be fun! We also have two new people coming with us!" Yoimiya looked over happily to the recently joined duo.

"I gotta hand it to the Ajax dude, he knew what he was doing when he picked this place!" Itto looked up at the building. "He's had his jaw dropped ever since he saw it." his companion claimed.

The eight of you who were waiting for Childe to show up, had a great chat there. It didn't last long though, because the man himself came running out from the establishment to you. "I hope I didn't make you all wait long, I just had to talk with someone." he uttered.

"Since you're finally here, can we go in?" Kaeya asked with his arms crossed. "But of course! Ladies, and gentlemen, follow me." he bowed his head a little, then started making his way inside, with everyone following.

• • •

Everyone got to the top floor by using the elevator except for Itto and Childe, because they had a race to see who could make it up first on the stairs. You were actually impressed how none of them were out of breath when they catched up.

"Alright, uh... follow me to our table!" the ginger suggested. It was a round table right beside the window from where you could see the city lit with all kinds of lights. "Woooow, look at the view!" Venti's eyes lit up.

"It does look super pretty!" Yoimiya exclaimed. "Itto was right, you do know what you're doing." Kaeya spoke up. And he was absolutely right as well.

"You know, I'm just curious... how do you get the money for places like this?" Mona asked trying to figure his ways out. "That's for me to know, and you to find out. Actually, don't try finding out." Childe winked at her. "We don't even know what kind of work you do, we only know that you have a boss who's name is Zhongli. That's a bit suspicious..." the astrologist continued.

"Oh come on, you surely don't think that I'm doing something shady!" he looked at her with a sad face. "Well, I dunno..."

"Guys, could we focus on ordering? The waiters are about to come up to us." Keqing joined in. "She's right, let's order and eat." you agreed with her.

• • •

"Ugh, I'm so full..." Yoimiya whined. "You did eat a lot..." you pointed out. But you couldn't blame her for it, everything here was top-notch. The foods and drink were already pleasing by how they looked, but of course their taste was amazing too. Oh, to live in a luxury like this every day.

"I think I'm gonna go re-fill my glass..." Venti murmured slowly standing up from the table. "Wait, that's not how restaurants like this work, sit back down! You're literally drunk!" Mona scoleded him, but by the time she finished her sentence it was too late.

The tablecloth got stuck in the boy's belt, pulling everything off of the table. It happened in an instant, so nobody expected it. The sound of glasses and plates shattering got the attention of everyone, and the employees' as well.

Itto just burst out laughing, while the others looked disappointed. "I cannot believe this..." the purple haired girl shook her head.

• • •

"Well, uh... we got kicked out!" Yoimiya suddenly broke the silence. "Don't worry guys, I'll... I'll sort this out with them later." Childe tried to cheer everyone up. "Venti, seriously!" Mona gave him an angry face.

"To be honest, this wasn't unexpected, but it was still a bit surprising." Kaeya stated. "Okay, kiddos, let's not fight now-" the tallest male tried to calm everyone. "I'm sorry guys... I really need to be more careful next time." the boy who caused all this said with regret in his voice.

"It's okay.  I still had fun there!" you tried reassuring him. "I did too!" the blond girl looked at her happily. Everyone else just agreed by nodding. "Thanks guys... I still feel bad though, so... I promise I will make it up in the future!"

"You really don't have to, just... please, be more careful next time." Keqing showed him a small smile.

While everyone was now chatting outside, you suddenly recieved a text from none other than Heizou.

Heizou 🔎

Heizou 🔎
y/n could we talk on the phone?

Heizou 🔎
theres something important that came up
Seen at 10:11pm

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