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Authors Note: Hey, I just wanted to tell everyone that the next chapter (15) will be the LAST chapter of the series :( It will be pretty long, way longer than the other chapters, so hopefully it'll be worth the wait and read. I will talk about this more, but I'm thinking about doing an imagines book for Robin or a new series for him.

Robin resembled a kicked puppy, trudging an awkward distance beside you, hands in his two front pockets as he stared ahead.

Every time you tried to walk closer to him, he would visibly shift further away, giving you yet another tight-lipped smile.

"Okay— wait." You say, stopping the two of you. He looks at you strangely, confused.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing, let's get you home. It's getting late." He starts walking, changing the subject. You huff, blocking his path from moving any further. "What's going on? You're acting all... distant." You explain, unconsciously moving your hands as you did so.

"Is what Sofia said true?"


"She said you don't like me?"

You laughed, earning a confused but hurt reaction from Robin. "You actually believe her? Are you that gullible?" You spoke in a harsh tone, rubbing the bridge of your nose. You didn't mean to be rude, but how did he even believe her? She obviously just wanted him to herself and she was a horrible liar. There was no way he actually believed that for a second you didn't like him.

You watched as Robin's shoulders visibly fell, a weight falling onto his shoulders. He finally dug his hands out of his two pockets, using one to scratch his neck and the other left hanging by his side. You noticed that Robin did that a lot— scratching his neck whenever he was nervous, confused, or did it to cover up the fact he was hurt.

And that's when you realized he did that a awful amount of times whenever you were around. You didn't even know why he would do that, you just assumed why. You guys never actually sat down and had a real conversation— about this whole thing. The only one was the one on the bench on the few days ago, yet you guys barely got anywhere. You didn't open up about anything, and he didn't either. That was the main problem of your guys' "relationship."

You sighed, your face softening as you pulled him closer to you, wrapping your arms around him. He stiffened, wrapping the hand that was dangling by his side loosely around you.

"I like you. A LOT actually, okay? I promise." You spoke, pulling apart to look at him. He needed to know that you serious.

He nodded, eyes still filled with hesitation.

"Don't listen to her. Don't listen to anyone who has something to say about us— they're just jealous." You say, trying to convince him. "And tonight was really fun. Thank you for taking me." You lean up, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He gave you a small smile, intertwining your guys' hands. It was good enough for now.

Robin walked you home. He was closer now, your hand gripping his, but he still didn't talk as much. He was zoning out, his thoughts clouding his mind.

When you guys arrived at your house, he walked you to your window, helping you in. He then left. No kiss, no hug— no nothing.

It's okay. You convinced yourself, watching Robin until he took a turn, disappearing from your eyesight.

The next morning, you woke up with thoughts of Robin already filling your mind. It was crazy how he could easily slip in your mind the second you wake up to the second you fall asleep.

Gwen came over, inviting— no. Begging, you to come hang out with her. She suggested that you guys could ride to park. You agreed. Hopefully this would get Robin out of your mind.

Only. It didn't.

Gwen popped a chip into her mouth, munching on it before clearing her throat. She looked at you expectantly.

"You and Robin?" She finally spoke, popping another chip into her mouth as if it wasn't a big deal.

"No." You lied, taking a sip of your water to drown the nauseas feeling pooling in your stomach.

"Really?" She quipped, her eyebrow raising. Before you could respond with another lie, she spoke. "I saw you guys at the theater last night. Also saw Sofia, she's creepy. She was like following you guys since you guys got there."

You twisted the cap back onto your water bottle. "What?"

"Yeah. She's like obsessed with Robin or something. In P.E., she's always trying to be on the same team as him. It's annoying because all she ever does is flirt with him."

"Does he flirt back?"

"No. He looks just as annoyed as everybody else in the class."

A involuntary sigh of relief came out of you, an unknown weight being lifted off your shoulders. You didn't even know what you were worried about. Sofia was... decent looking... you guessed. Maybe without all the clumpy eyelashes, extra long nails, too much blush, gum chewing and her wig, she'll probably look better.

And that's when Gwen's words from earlier really hit you. The fucking stalker was actually a stalker.

You hung out with Gwen for a few more hours until you guys went your separate ways for dinner.

The next day came very quickly and ended very quickly. Robin made no effort in contacting you, and you didn't either. You didn't know what to do. So, you left it. Deciding to talk to him on Monday.

"Hey, Sofia!" You put on a fake cheery voice. She gives you a small grimace before quickly putting on a fake smile. "Y/N!" She exclaims.

"I just wanted to let you know that you shouldn't be stalking people. It's kind of creepy and I'm suureee Robin wouldn't appreciate if he knew you were stalking him the whole time we were there at the theater. I didn't think you would do something so... weird!" You bluntly spoke, mimicking some of her words from earlier that week. Her mouth went agape, her heels digging into the floor.

"I dont kno—" She starts.

You interrupt her, shifting all your weight onto one foot. "Let me make one thing clear. Robin. Doesn't. Want. You. So leave him— leave us alone." You gave her a sarcastic smile before sauntering off, on a mission to find Robin.

To be fairly honest, you really wanted to put Sofia in her place. You wanted to beat the crap out of her, actually. But you weren't going to do anything until she swung first. She had daddy's money and you knew if you swung first, she would convince her dad to press charges. So you were going to have to wait.

𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐘𝐌𝐈𝐀, Robin ArellanoWhere stories live. Discover now