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You and Gwen immediately ran home, grabbing her card and dialing the number on the card. You were actually starting to believe her. Why would she actually call the cops if she wasn't serious?

So, you sat quietly on the sidewalk, blankets wrapped around the both of you, quietly. You stared at your feet as cops were busy searching the house, calling for backup, ambulance sirens coming from a short distance away, and many people rushing around.

You heard someone rambling, saying something about finding a few possible bodies.

What if Robin was one of those bodies? What if he died? What would you do?

Both you and Gwen jumped when you heard frantic screaming coming from the house across, catching a few of the cops and detectives. One of the cops requested to go search the place, their request being approved.

You watched as a few cops walked towards the house, guns in hands. They knocked on the door once. Then twice. Then they knocked in down, all of them walking in, disappearing from your eyesight.

Suddenly a cop ran out of the house, rushing towards one of the detectives that was standing a few feet away from you.

"Total of five bodies." She confirmed, talking into the  walkie-talkie.

Five bodies? There were only four you knew of, Bruce, Billy, Vance and Griffin.... and Robin.

"Five bodies? What do you mean five bodies?" You'd stood up, panic rising in your voice.

"Sit down." The detective demanded, a stern look but a sympathetic look on her face.

"They are still searching the place, ma'am." The cop spoke towards the detective, his eyes filled with sorrow.

"Holy shit!" Gwen suddenly gasped, the blanket around her falling as she rushed up and ran across the road to the house. There stood two officers, carrying a unconscious, blood-covered boy.

Your heart sank. You could recognize that hair from anywhere. They placed him on a stretcher, nurses swarming around him as he was pushed into the back of the ambulance, Gwen standing there with tears falling down her face.

"Six bodies. The suspect and the suspect's brother were both found dead in the house. Four boys buried in this one. Turns out the sicko owned two houses, one to bury his victims and one to kill them. His most recent victim, Robin Arellano, is now safe. Getting medical attention after it was revealed a large axe wound was found on his abdomen, close to his ribs. Another, smaller one, was found in his shoulder. There was also more wounds, bruises, and more. The rest of his injuries have not been publicly talked about yet. It was brought to our attention that this victim was able to escape the suspect, killing him with a phone cord. The suspects brother was found a feet feet away from the suspects body, an axe wound found in his head. This was a horrifying case, and may those past victims rest in peace. If you would like to donate or learn more..."

You shut off the TV, before placing the remote on the table that sat next to Robin's hospital bed. He was still unconscious. He was hooked up to a a lot of tubes, several in his arms and one in his nose to help him breathe. There was a few noticiable bruises on his face and legs, a few on his arms. His axe wounds were hidden under his hospital gown, but the gauze would get changed every once in a while.

You sat next to his bed, the uncomfortable hospital chair making your back hurt but it was all worth it. It has only been a day since he was found. You weren't able to see him until now.

That guilty feeling pooled your stomach, it wouldn't go away. You didn't believe in Gwen. You didn't believe Robin was alive. But here he was, laying in the hospital bed with his eyelids firmly shut.

Your eyes teared up when you first saw his body. You couldn't imagine what he went through. You couldn't imagine how many more wounds and bruises were hiding under his nightgown. All the soon-to-be scars that would form there, a permanent reminder of what he went through.

You left an hour later when his family arrived, deciding that you should give them time to be alone with him.

Finny was so happy when he heard that Robin was alive, him and Gwen visiting him as well. He woke up the next day. It was announced on the news— he was famous. People were calling him a hero, saying that he was so brave.

You walked into the room, Gwen and Finny trailing behind you as Robin tried to form a grin, but ultimately failed. It hurt too much to even give a smile.

"Hey you guys!" He mumbled, his hand raising in the air to give you guys a small wave before dropping by his side, wincing as he did so.

"Hi." You said, smiling as you took a seat on the hospital chair that was next to him.

"You guys won't believe it, I killed him." He said, sounding as if he just ran ten miles. He could barely talk without being out of breath.

"I missed you so much." Finny exclaimed, bending down to give him a hug but stopped, forgetting that Robin was probably sore and hugging him would only make it worse.

"Are you okay?" Gwen asked, her eyes scanning his body for bruises and scabs.

"Yeah. I'm gonna have some sick scars though, the hijo de puta got me with an axe. Think of how badass I'll be when I show people my scars. 'Wow, is that really from an axe?'" He spoke, trying to lighten up the mood and reenact what he hoped to be peoples reaction.

You tried to smile but you couldn't. You just felt so bad, and you missed him so much. You didn't know what to do— didn't know what to say, or if you could touch him. He was a fragile, delicate object. At any moment he could break.

𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐘𝐌𝐈𝐀, Robin ArellanoWhere stories live. Discover now