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You were reading a book on your bed. You had a stressful day at school, and so you thought doing something productive would get your mind off it. It did. Just not for long.

You jumped when you heard a knock on your window, peeking your head out your door to see if any of your parents accidentally knocked on anything. They were both in the living room watching TV.

The knock happened again, more consistent and it was coming from your window. You already knew who it was. You marched up to the window, Robin's face coming into view.

He grinned at you but it quickly fell when you flipped him off, closing your curtains.

He knocked again, even louder. You winced, looking out your bedroom to make sure they didn't hear that. When you were in the clear, you closed your door. You open the curtains, opening the window to give him a piece of your mind.

"What the fuck do you want, douchebag?" You whisper-shouted, looking behind you to make sure your parents didn't suddenly walk in or open the door.

"The movie?"

You threw your head back in a laugh. Who the hell did he think he was? First he kissed you, then he embarrassed you and now he's outside your window, planning to go on a date with you.

"Yeah, right." You sarcastically bit back, going to close the window. He stops it, looking up at you with pleading eyes.

"What do you mean?"

You shove his hand off your window harshly, your teeth clenching. "What do I mean?" You mocked, watching as he frowned.

"You don't just get to come here and act like we're all good! You're playing games with me, and I'm sick of it. I'm done with you."


"No, shut up. You know, I actually thought something could happen between us. But you just have to fuck up everything like normal. You're an asshole and I'll never go on a date with you. Ever."

He pursed his lips, his eyes softening and his shoulders slumped.

"So, don't come here anymore! I mean it, or I... I'll call the cops." You threaten.

"Why are you acting like this?" He asked in a hurt voice, scratching his neck.

"Why were you acting like that earlier?"

"I—Just, W-well." He stuttered, his eyes locked on his two feet. "I just don't want to be embarrassed."

"Oh, so you're embarrassed of me?" You shouted, not caring if your parents heard you.

"What? No! Of course not!" He said almost immediately, looking up at you with panic in his eyes. "I just don't want people to thin—"

"You are embarrassed of me!" You laughed. How could you even think anything could happen? He was embarrassed to be seen with you. Why though? Were you ugly? Too—

"I'm not embarrassed to be seen with you!" He blabbered out, his cheeks heating up in embarrassment. "You're supposed to be someone I hate— not like a girlfriend."

"We were never dating, and we never will. Leave me alone. I'll work on my part of the project and Ill make up something, I advise you do the same." You calmly state before shutting the window, locking it. You close curtains, glancing at Robin one last time.

You took a deep breath in and exhaled. Did you smell... cologne? You were too mad to laugh, making fun of the asshole mentally.

This was the Robin you knew. The douchebag that only cared about himself and his reputation. He was embarrassed to be seen with you. He was the one who threw himself on you, not the other way around. So why would he be embarrassed. You peeked out the window, watching as Robin slowly trudged away his hands in his two front pockets and his head down.

You finally noticed what he was wearing. No bandana, his hair wasn't messy, but it was tamed. Jeans and a nice shirt that didn't have stains or anything else he usually had on them.

'He can go find someone else to play games with' You thought as you closed the curtain, huffing as you grabbed your book and continued reading like nothing else.

Everything was finally back to the way it was, normal. You caught up with Finney and Gwen, both sullen looks on their faces.

"Oh, come on!" You sighed. You just wanted a normal day with happy people, happy friends who didn't just look like their puppy just died.

"Have you not heard the news?" Gwen asked quietly, her eyes focused on something.

"What about the news? Is it gonna snow? I sure hope it does, it's been getting cold recently." You asked, shrugging. You didn't really care what happened on the news, you never even watched it. It was usually your parents watching it, then reporting to you.

They both stay quiet. Gwen suddenly jogs towards a pole, snatching off a piece of paper that was stapled to it. Missing puppy? Ah, you were close at least.

She takes a long look at the paper before hesitantly giving it to you, her eyes glossy.

  Robin Arellano'

𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐘𝐌𝐈𝐀, Robin Arellanoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن