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Robin was released from the Hospital a few weeks later, you tried to visit him everyday. Throughout those few weeks, you guys never mentioned what happened before he got kidnapped— the argument, the kisses, the feelings.

It was like it was an unspoken agreement to not speak about it, or at least until he has recovered. So, you guys were just friends.

He first week Robin was in the Hospital, he had to get surgery on his wound that was on his stomach. It soon got infected, and he had to undergo another surgery, which pushed back when he was getting out of the Hospital.

The second week, Robin was feeling much better. His wounds were slowly healing, a small scar forming by his hairline. His bruises were almost completely gone, some of them nowhere to be seen or some a tannish-yellow color.

The third week, he was up and walking around. The both of you went to the cafeteria, eating chocolate pudding while sitting across from each other, faint blushes on both of your cheeks.

The fourth and final week, he was a grinning mess, almost completely healed. Well, on the outside at least. He was still hurting on the inside, traumatized. Every time you tried to talk to him about it, saying it would feel so much better to let it out, he refused, changing the subject. You eventually stopped, understanding that he would open up on his own.

When he was finally released, he arrived at school the next day. Everybody congratulating him and others terrified of him, scared that he would kill them like he did with the grabber. Teachers were surprised, giving him straight A's for the time he missed and because they felt bad. Robin didn't mind, he liked it. All the attention he was getting— mostly from girls. Girls that weren't you.

He soaked it all up, girls always shoving by you to get to him. It was like you didn't exist, he totally forgot about you. You stopped walking with him. Stopped sitting with him. He was fine. He was safe and happy.

"Hey! You're Robin's friend, right?" Sofia asked you, sitting across from you as she twisted her blonde locks around her finger, a forced smile on her face.

You nodded, not really paying attention to her as you continued to write down the answers to the questions on your paper.

"Do you know... I don't mean to make this sound weird or anything, but do you know if he's dating anyone? Or if he has a crush on anyone?" She asked innocently, her long nails softly tapping your desk in a pattern.

You looked up at her, you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. "Not that I'm aware of." You answer bluntly, your eyes focusing back on your paper.

She huffed, her nails stopping the tapping pattern on the desk. "Okay... do you like... have a crush on him or something? You didn't need to be so rude."

You pursed your lips, stopping yourself from saying anything you would regret. Well, you wouldn't regret it. You just didn't want to serve another week in detention.

"I'm not really friends with him. You should ask him out, he'll say yes." You say, putting on a cheery voice. Her eyes brightened, a genuine smile forming. "You really think so? Does he talk about me?"

You nod. "Yeah, a lot actually."

She shrieks happily, mumbling a small thank you before rushing out of the library to, what you assumed, find her future boyfriend.

You didn't understand how quickly you and Robin grew apart. You were there for him everyday while he was recovering, and he just pushed you aside? But it was like you said, you guys would go back to the way things were. Him hating your guts... and you secretly hoping he didn't.

You were still friends with Finney and Gwen though. Robin didn't push them away, in fact, they were closer than ever. It was like, Finny and Gwen were slowly pushing you away too.

𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐘𝐌𝐈𝐀, Robin ArellanoWhere stories live. Discover now