Chapter 13

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"But that's not what happened. I just... I just stood there, and I watched. for a while, I try to be happy. Normal. But I, I think that may be a part of me dad that they do. And I haven't told anyone this, but I had to tell you. Before it's too late. If you can even hear this. I really hope that you can. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry Billy. Love your shitty little sister, Max" muffler sobs left my lips as I finished putting the letter back into the envelope. Using my sleeve I wiped away the remaining tears that had fallen from my eyes. As I was about to get up and head back to the car I felt the surroundings around me change and the air become colder and darker.

"Max" a deep voice said from behind me. I froze in my position knowing who that voice belonged too. I Turned around slowly to reveal Billy who was walking slowly in my direction. Taking in his appearance he was wearing the exact outfit from the night he died along with the same blood stains that bled through his white shirt
"I've been waiting to hear those words, Max" his voice echoed through the air. "Waiting so very long... But it wasn't for truth, was it Max?" He said reaching his hand up and wiping my tears away with his thumb. My breathing became jagged and my body filled with fear. "I think there's a part of you, buried somewhere deep, that wanted me to die that day. That was maybe even...released, happy?" Billy spoke his words filled with venom.

"Billy, no. That not true" I pleaded shaking my head continuously.
"That's why you stood there, isn't it, Max? It's ok. You can admit it now. No more lies. No more hiding"
"Billy, that's not true, I swear." I said sobbing stepping back slightly
"That is why you feel such guilt"
"Why you hide from your freinds. Why you hide from the world" he continued stepping forward as I stepped back
"No. No" I sobbed my eyes looking at him with hope this would all end
"And why. Late at night, you have sometimes wished to follow me. Follow me into death. That is why I am here, Max. To end your suffering, once and for all" taking one more step back my foot stepped off the ledge causing my body to fall into the ground. Sitting up I took a shaky breath and looked back where Billy was. But. Instead of it being Billy it was another creature. Jumping back again tears continued to fall from my face

"It is time. Max. Time for you to join Me" Vecnas voice said deep and daunting. Turning around I hastily stood up and began to sprint in the opposite direction

I continued to run and run until eventually I found a wall I crouched behind. My breaths were shaky and hard and after taking a few seconds I looked out over the edge of the wall to see if he was still following me.
"You can not hide from me, Max" once again I got up and ran through the foggy graveyard.

"Lucas! Lucas!" I began to scream. "Lucas please help! Dustin!" I screamed louder. Turning around I noticed a strange red fog that started to surround the graveyard. Walking forward I emerged myself into the fog. The floor under me soon became wet and sludgy and in front of me the fog cleared revealing floating blocks and pointy structures.

Looking around I continued to hear the clocks chimes and I saw a floating red door
"What are you doing in here Max?"
I gasped in shock as I stepped on a shell that broke into thousands of small spiders. Jumping back I whipped around to coke face to face with a dead, distorted Chrissy and Fred
"How do you like them? Max?" Vecna said walking closer to me. His vines on his neck encircling his body. "Would you like to join them?" Looking the other direction I strayed to bolt away from his only for a vine to catch my leg pulling me onto the ground and towards him

"Shit!" I screamed trying to resist its force on me "No!" I yelled as the vine dragged me across the floor and pinned me to one of the pillars. Two vines came up to wrists tying them down and then a third came around my neck restricting air from my lungs and choking me.
Vecna stood right in front of me when the song 'Running up That Hill' began to play in the distance from us
"Max!" I heard Dustin's voice bellow. Looking over to my right I saw a portal like door showing me Lucas, Steve, and Dustin all crowded around me.

"They can't help you, Max. there's a reason you hide from them. you belong here. With me" Vecna said causing the vine around my neck to tighten further
"You're not really here" I choked out slowly
"Oh, The I am, Max. I am" his hand lifted above my head. Looking through the gaps of his fingers, I saw myself lifting into the air from the portal.

"I don't want a letter! I don't need a letter!" Lucas' voice said in my mind. " Im right here"

Closing my eyes memories began to play through my head. First, it started with me and Lucas when we were in the hospital throwing M&Ms into each others mouth, next was of me and El when I first took her to the mall. Halloween, when I first moved here, me Dustin and Lucas laughing together over Dustins silly animal trap. The day in the gym where I tried to convince Mike I could be the Party's zoomer. Tears began to emit from my eyes as they continued. The day me and Lucas at the snowball now played through my head. Our laughter. When he asked me to dance. And when we first kissed.
Lifting my hand up I grabbed a vine on Vecnas neck and pulled it out causing the vines to let go of me. Getting up from the ground I ran. 'Running up That Hill' filled my ears and more memories tan through my head as I was dodging objects being thrown at me. Objects continued to fly towards me my heart rate got faster until I eventually jumped through the portal

A gasp left my lips as I woke up from my trance I was in. My body hurtled to the ground and I fell on my back.
"Oh my God!" Steve said running a hand through his hair
"It's okay. i've got you. I thought we lost you, I'm sorry" Lucas said holding onto me as I held onto him not wanting to let him go any time soon
"I'm still here...I'm still here" I said shaking trying to regain any sense of control over my self
"I'm still here"


Hey guys sorry it took so long life has been crazy

Sorry for how bad this chapter is I will be going back in and making it better

Love you guys

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