Diner| Mary-Kate

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Today was an off day for both you and Mk which is rare. So once you dropped your 6 year old to school you both decided to go to a diner.

So now here you both are the both of you were enjoying lunch and each other's company when a commotion not that far, captured your attention.

When you both look to see whatnot was about, it was a heartbreaking scene; there was what looked to be a foster mother with her biological daughter and foster son sitting at a nearby table.

You're well known to be quite shy and often avoided confrontations and all that. You couldn't work up your courage to step in, to stand up and speak up for others when they couldn't do so themselves.

So as of right now, you and Mk were running on to catch on more, eavesdropping. You were trying to go unnoticed but by this time around, the whole diner was listening in and everyone was being very well noticed.

"Thank you so much for bringing me here." The young boy says, obviously excited about his trip to the restaurant.

"Oh, yeah whatever." The foster mother said in an almost sickening angelic of a mother tone.

But as quick as things seem to be as they seem, they go right from that to not what they seem of the mother's next act rises and feeds your file of anger.

You continue to listen in and quickly learn that the boys foster mother had put him on an unfair budget and all because he wasn't biologically hers. You made the mistake of moving to look over again.

The scene had broken your heart as you saw the child sitting at the table and was crying of the unfair game. It got worse and that was what had brought your confidence to step in up with a kind gesture attempt to help the boy out a little.

"Can I get a cheeseburger please?"

"Is there one under four dollars?" As you watched mom take the menu from him to scan over, you speak up.

It was obvious she only cared about the money she was getting to take care him, to give and make him feel he was in a welcoming, safe, home and environment. But you could tell she was letting herself push it so that his world was crashing down on him.

The thought of that he has been through this before and this was what he was trying to get of, didn't seem to soften her at all under any circumstances.

"I can put the bill for him on my bill, I don't mind helping out."When mom turns to look at you, you almost regret speaking up at all just because of the look on her face.

However, your confidence had rised up and you continue the confrontation, as Mk sits back watching you. It really grows when the mom has continued to say awful things even though you were in front of her.

One of the most upsetting parts was the fact she didn't seem to be bothered by your eyes watching her. She goes on to say things about the young boy, the child she was expecting to be taking care of but wasn't.

"That's so nice of you, but we can't accept because taking things like that away from strangers is wrong, unacceptable, and it doesn't make a difference."

"You need to set your record straight and accept him, let alone see him as a person rather than being so damn greedy! He's a person, not money. Picture yourself in his shoes, how would you feel if you were being treated the same way you're treating him?"

The confrontation comes to an end as you are about to call and report the mom, what you were witnessing. It made you feel relieved to have found out this was a social experiment and not real. Seeing this side of you, only made MK admire you so much more than she did before.

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