Chapter 22

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Sitting in the hospital with Yashiro by his side, in the bed asleep, Amane frowned and held her hand tightly and gently. They patched her up, but asked many questions that Amane did his best to give answers to...

"May we have the patients name, age, and date of birth?"

"Um, I'm not exactly sure of her birthday, but she is a year older than me. Her name is Yashiro Nene,  She is engaged to me. We were going to be wed after graduation. I found out of our engagement just this week and tried to get to know her."

"Does she have family we can contact to get medical information?"

"I am unaware of her family currently."

"Well thank you, Mr. Yugi. We will do our best to get more information. Because according to our records, she isn't a citizen of Japan in our records. We will do our best to look for her files."

And that is how it went. Amane was so nervous and shaking even. How can they get past this? Should Yashiro just be having amnesia? Act like she doesn't even know who she is? That could work... yet it doesn't solve the 'non citizen, no identity' issue. His eyes watched his cute angel lay there sleeping. Her hair completely down and a little tangled, eyes closed, and the monitor giving him the sound of her heart slowly beating. It made him happy to know she was there with him. It's true he should have just left on his own, but the future he saw... is one he didn't like. He didn't want that. Not just for him, but for her. Plus he loved her and wanted to have her by his side. He lifted her hand up to his lips and gently placed a small kiss to her fingers. "I promise I will make this work for us Yashiro..."

"Amane~!" A young voice almost similar to his sang happily while barging into the room. The door slamming right open. Amane jumped a little and put a finger to his lips. Shushing his little brother, "Shh! Tsukasa. She is resting. Be quiet." Tsukasa pouted and walked up to stand on the other side of the bed. Staring down to Yashiro. "But why? She is comatose. Should be gone though..." he pouted. Amane huffed and stood right up. Angry at his brother. "I don't want to hear you saying that Tsukasa. Yashiro is my fiancé. I know you don't like her, but please be nice and don't say things like that." Tsukasa rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. It made Amane pout himself even more that his brother didn't want to listen. He hated Tsukasa being stubborn and not wanting to do ask he is asked. After that, Tsukasa only walked out of the room. Like all the other times. Usually Tsukasa would inflict injuries on Amane, but it's rare when he doesn't.

A couple days have passed and Yashiro was awake by now. She was sitting there looking at the wall and then out the window. Confused on where she was. Amane had returned from school and opened the door to see her sitting upright and looking out the window. She turned to face him and smiled brightly. Whispering his name for him to walk up and then carefully embrace her. "I'm so glad you are okay." He hummed happily beside her ear. She hummed happily back and then kissed his cheek that wasn't injured. He flushed severely, since he was caught off guard. Holding a hand to his cheek, he asked her not to do such things without him paying attention. It only made her giggle a little. "Anyways, we need to talk Yashiro. We have to find a way now to have your name be cleared. My parents agreed to have you under our insurance, but... They did some blood work on you to try to find your identity files... and they want answers. They are trying to find your parents and wondering who you are..." Yashiro hummed while looking down. She hates lying, but she had to in this time... Lying enough to get her out of this situation...


"Sit down everyone. We have a new student joining us today. Just to let you know there is a relationship status between them and a member of our class. Don't tease or treat them with any disrespect. Understood?" Tsuchigomori spoke while looking over to Amane. Amane noticed the glance and nervously looked down. The class got new seating arrangements for the occasion. So the seat behind Amane was open. Soon the door to the class opened, the students turning their heads, and a few of them gasped a little. A few comments of cute and who is she? Yashiro had walked in and stood in front of the class beside the teacher. "Please introduce yourself." Tsuchigomori spoke. The girl smiled and looked to everyone and then glanced to Amane who was slightly blushing, "Hello everyone. My name is Yashiro Yugi. It's a pleasure to be here with you. I would like to be friends with everyone. However, if there is a situation that I don't like that involves my significant other, I will not be pleased."

The class was quiet. Too quiet. But they all Thurber their heads to look the boy by the window, who was now hiding his head. The class finally notices his presence. Amane was pure red. Why did she have to say that last part?! What was she thinking?! "Wait, Yugi? As in Yugi, here? Are you related?" A boy asked while pointing to Amane. Yashiro shook her head and smiled brighter. "No. My husband." She said brightly and happily. The class gasped in shock before turning to Amane. "Since when we're you engaged?! Why are you married?! Why is she so cute?! Why does she have swollen ankles?!" The questions went on and on, till a loud, "ahem" broke them apart. Amane was highly uncomfortable and Yashiro was upset. "Please leave Amane alone. Don't scream at him. If you have questions, ask me. Also, my ankles aren't swollen. Thank you." She said before walking up to the desk behind Amane and sitting down. Awkwardness filled the room from then on.

Written in the stars - AmaNene (HanaNene)Where stories live. Discover now