The Start of an Adventure

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At Royal Prep:

"Mama! Papa!" Elena greeted her parents as they were entering the palace, but just as they were entering, Shuriki came out of nowhere and put some spell on them, killing them. Elena went to face Shuriki herself, but ended up trapped in her amulet that her mother gave her on her 15th birthday
Sofia gasped in horror at what she just saw.
"You ok Sof?" James asked his sister
"It was weird, it was like I had a dream, but I was wide awake" Sofia told him
"It's called day dreaming, I do it all the time" James replied. "Children, as I was saying, I hope you have a wonderful summer." Miss Flora told the class.
As they were leaving the school, Sofia saw her amulet was acting weirdly. " I better check the secret library." Sofia thought

In the Pridelands:

"Get out of the Pridelands Janja!" Kion told the hyena. "Alright, we're going, we're going!" Janja replied, and off he and his clan went into the outlands. "Alright guys, let's take a break." Kion told the rest of the lion guard. "Best idea I heard all morning" Fuli replied.  They went to a tree to rest and Kion gazed into the distance, and all of a sudden, his view changed, the prince went from being in a grove of trees to a palace with a princess who was greeting her parents at its gate, and later trapped in an amulet, and all of a sudden, he heard a voice calling him. "Kion! Kion!" After he came back to his senses,  he realized it was Bunga calling him."Kion, your mark's glowing!" Bunga remarked."Your's too!" Kion replied "All of our marks are glowing!" "Took you a while to respond, are you ok?" Bunga asked his best friend."It was like I was dreaming, but I'm wide awake". Kion explained. "Do you remember what it was about?" Fuli asked. "Yeah, very clearly actually, I was in a palace, and there was this princess, she was greeting her parents as they were entering, and all of a sudden, there was a sorceress who put cast some spell on them, that I am assuming killed them, then she went to confront the sorceress,  but she put some spell on her". "This is wierd, they never glowed like this". Beshte chimed in. "You think we should see Rafiki?" Ono asked. "Yeah, let's do that." Kion said. "Kion, Lion Guard!" Called a voice in the distance, it was Simba. "Hey dad! We were just about to head back to Pride Rock, what brings you here?"  Nala and I would like to talk to you about something." The King said, and off they went to Pride Rock

"Hi Mom! Dad said you wanted to talk to us?" Kion asked his mom. "I've been thinking about it for a while now, and I think it's time we all go on a vacation, we've been so busy lately and we never really got to spend quality time together, and besides, the lion guard could really use it." The queen explained. "It sounds great, but who's gonna keep the outlanders away while we're gone?" Kion asked "Don't worry about that, I organized some animals to keep them in check while we're gone." Simba assured his son. "But we have a problem, I can't decide where to go for the vacation." Nala chimed in. "Don't worry Your Majesty, we'll help you think of a place."  Fuli assured her, and off they went to Rafiki's Baobab tree"Hey Rafiki?" Kion exclaimed "we have something to ask you about." Just then, the royal Majuzi came down from his tree. "What is it you want to ask me, young prince?" Rafiki asked "It's about our marks, they were glowing, and I had a sort of dream just a while ago." Kion replied"And what was this dream about?" And Kion went on to explain his vision, and Rafiki told them the story of the lost Princess of Avalor.

Meanwhile in Enchancia:

"The children will be here any minute Miranda, we need to figure out where we're taking them this summer" King Roland told his wife, and just as they were exchanging ideas, Amber and James came in. "So where are going this summer daddy?" Amber asked her dad. "I'm not sure yet, Amber." Meanwhile, Sofia was on her way to the secret library to figure out what was going on with her amulet. Once she arrived to the secret library, a book was presented to her entitled "The Lost Princess of Avalor.", and was met by a man named Alacazar, who created the book, which turned out to be enchanted, and began telling the story the story of the Lost Princess of Avalor begins:

      Across the great ocean, in the enchanted kingdom of Avalor, lived young princess named Elena, on her 15th birthday, her mother, Queen Lucia, gave her a magical amulet, the Amulet of Avalor, passed from generation to generation. But one fateful day, Shuriki, an evil power-hungry sorceress from the Northern Highlands, invaded Avalor, she attacked the King and Queen, and set her sights upon the Palace. Princess Elena bravely chose to face Shuriki on her own, so that her family will be spared, but when Shuriki tried to strike her down, the Amulet saved her, by pulling her inside it for the past 41 years. Shuriki thought she had gotten rid of Elena, but she was wrong, Alacazar soon discovered that the only way to free Elena was to find a princess, who could set her free with the help of the Roar of the Elders, a magical gift bestowed upon the leader of the Lion Guard, to protect the Pridelands and the Circle of Life. But there was a problem, at that point, Scar, the former leader of the Lion Guard, had already been stripped of the Roar, but now, there is a new Lion Guard, led by Prince Kion. Now, it is up to the chosen princess and the Lion Guard to free Elena from her Amulet.

"And your marks glowing and Kion's vision were Elena's way of calling you, telling you she needs your help." Rafiki explained. "Wait, so there's a princess who's been trapped in some Amulet for 41 years and can only be freed by a princess she chose, and the Roar of the Elders?" Bunga asked. "Yes young honeybadger, Princess Elena needs your help in order to be freed from the Amulet so that Avalor will be freed from Shuriki"."But how are we supposed to find this princess, and how are we sure that she knows about Princess Elena?" Asked Kion. "You will know you have found the princess destined to free Elena because she has the Amulet, and if Elena is to be freed, you will be destined to meet". The Majuzi explained, he also explained the process on how to free Elena. "Poa! I didn't know we were needed outside the Pridelands." Beshte exclaimed. "Well I know where we're going for vacation." Kion told the rest of the guard, and off they went to Pride Rock to suggest that they go to Avalor for their vacation. "Nobody tell my parents anything about what we just heard, ok? I don't want them getting involved in this." Kion told his friends
"Will do Kion" Fuli replied.

"There's a princess trapped in my amulet?" Sofia asked Alacazar. "Yes, and she has been there for the past 41 years". Alacazar replied. "Your vision was Elena's way of calling you, and it seems she finally found the princess she has been searching for". "She chose me?" Sofia said, surprised. "You get on quickly, I like that". Alacazar remarked  and he began to explain how to free princess Elena. "In order to free Elena, you and the Lion Guard must travel to Avalor, and summon my Chanul, but be careful, Queen Shuriki still rules Avalor, and is powerful and evil as ever, so you might want to keep your distance". Sofia looked anxious and unsure, but Alacazar knew just what to say. "I can see you are unsure, but listen, Elena tested many princesses, she granted them powers and curses, but you are the only one she chose, and she has been preparing you for this day, since you first put on the Amulet, so you can do this if you choose to, her story your hands now Sofia". He explained. And thus,  Alacazar disappeared back into the story. And Sofia suggested to her family that they go to Avalor.

Elena and the Secret of Avalor: RewrittenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz