The Journey to Freeing Elena

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"This is it!" Skyler said. "That was quite the workout." "Hey guys!" Kion greeted. "Hey Kion!" Bunga, Sofia, and Ono said in unison. "You were totally missing out Kion, riding a Jaquin is unbungalievable." Bunga told his best friend. Sofia then knocked at the gate, and a woman came out. "Hello? Can I help you?" She asked. "Hi! Was this Alacazar's house?" Sofia asked the woman. "Alacazar? I'm sorry, but he has not lived here for many years." She told her. "We know, but maybe you can help us? We need to summon his chanul." Kion explained. "I don't know what that is, but I'm afraid you won't find it here, good day now." And she then proceeded to close the gate. "That could've gone better." Skyler added. "How do you know what a Chanul is?" They heard someone ask. "Oh! Well-". But before Sofia could explain, the boy interrupted. "That was my mom you were just talking to. I'm Matteo." He introduced himself. "Wait! You're Alacazar's grandson?" Sofia asked in shock. "You know my grandfather?" Matteo asked. "Sort of, I'm Sofia, and this is Kion and his Lion Guard: Fuli, Beshte, Ono, and Bunga." Sofia said. "Lion Guard? But there's only one Lion." Matteo commented. "That phrase gets old, you know." Fuli told him, looking annoyed. "Sorry, it's just that I've never heard of a Lion Guard with one Lion before." No one has, we're the first one." Kion told him. "This may sound wierd, but you grandfather sent us to free princess Elena." Sofia told Matteo. "Princess Elena? Then that means that's the amulet of Avalor." Matteo said, pointing to Sofia's amulet. "And you have the Roar of the Elders, and the mark of the Guard." He continued, looking at Kion. "Yeah, but how did you know about the amulet and the Lion Guard and the Roar?" Sofia asked. "My mother told me the stories of the Lion Guard and the amulet so many times, I almost memorize them." Matteo explained. "From Askari recieving the Roar, to Scar destroying his Lion Guard. Follow me!" "Where are we going?" Beshte asked him. "To my workshop!" Matteo replied. When they got there, they realized the entrance was too small for Beshte to fit. "It's ok, I can stay here, you guys go." Beshte told the rest of the guard. "No way, I'm staying with you Big B." Bunga said. "Gee, thanks little B." Beshte thanked him. "How about we all stay here while Kion and Sofia go with Matteo." Ono suggested. "Great idea Ono!" Fuli said. "You ok with that Kion?" "Yeah, sure!" The place doesn't exactly look like the largest workshop on the planet." Kion replied. And off they went down to Matteo's workshop. "It's a long way down." Sofia noticed. "I know, but it's the only way to keep everything secret, when Queen Shuriki took over, she banned all magic except her own." Matteo explained. "So there are no wizards in Avalor?" Kion asked. "Not anymore, my grandma hid all my grandpa's things down here, but my mother never wanted anything to do with it, so it sat here all locked up until I found it, I've been trying to teach myself magic ever since." Matteo explained. "Ok, let me think, I just need a few things." Matteo continued as he grabbed some things they were gonna need to summon the Chanul. "Ok, sit here Sofia and Kion." Matteo then said. "Why?" They both asked. "We're gonna summon my grandpa's Chanul." He said. "Here we go! Now where's my tamborita?" After finding the tamborita, he tested it and went through the spell. "Okay, so this is the first time I've tried this incantation so it might not work for the first 8 or 9 times, maybe 10." Matteo warned them. "Appear to us animal spirit of Alacazar." He started reciting. "Iluminara Alacazar Wayowel!" He continued reciting and striked the tamborita with his drumstick, but as he did, the drumstick broke. "It's ok, I have another drumstick, let's try that again." "Iluminara Alacazar Wayowel!" Matteo recited again, and this time, he stiked the drumstick gentler than last time. All of a sudden, the lights went out, and a gush of wind started blowing. "What in the Pridelands!" Kion exclaimed. "What's happening?" Sofia asked in a petrified tone. Suddenly, something emerged from what seemed to be a portal. "I am! Greetings from the spirit world! How are you doing?" That something replied. It was Alacazar's Chanul. "Oh Mighty Chanul! You honor us with your presence." Matteo said to the Chanul. "Hey! I know you're excited! It's not everyday you meet a spirit animal! Right?" He said. "Yeah! Not everyday!" Kion said in a sarcastic tone. "But you called me, I'm here, we can skip the fanfare and get it over with it, ok? The Chanul continued. "Of course! Mighty Chanul!" Matteo replied. "Oh, you can call me Zuzo!" The Chanul said. "Of course! Mighty Zuzo!" Matteo said. "You know what! You don't have to call me anything." Zuzo told him. "So, you're the princess and the prince who are gonna free Elena?" Zuzo said, looking at Sofia and Kion. "I guess so!" Sofia replied. "Now! Here's what you gotta do." Zuzo began to explain. But before he could, Kion interrupted him. "Wait! I thought we just had to summon you." "Uh huh! So I can tell you how to get her out. Because that's what Spirit Guides do, they guide you." He continued. "First, you're gonna need the wand that put Elena in there." Zuzo started. "Queen Shuriki's wand?" But she keeps it in her pocket." Sofia told him. "That's great! Now you know exactly how to find it." Zuzo told the princess. "Once you got the wand, you have to wrap the amulet around it, and put it on the crown on Azaluna, and then Mister Leader of the Lion Guard here will Roar at the wand and the Amulet." Zuzo said, looking at Kion "The crown of who?" Sofia and Kion asked. "Azaluna! He was a great Healer who could undo any spell or curse! There's an ancient maruvian statue of him way up in the mountains." Matteo explained. "It's kinda like a hospital for magical mis-haps." Zuzo continued. "But we don't know where it is, how to get there, or how we're gonna steal Shuriki's wand." Sofia told the Spirit Guide. "Alright let's all take a deep breath. Breathe in, breathe out." Zuzo advised. "Now, I got some Spirit Animal wisdom for you two, just because you're the ones, doesn't mean you're the only ones." He told Kion and Sofia. "I know it doesn't make sense now, but it will later." Zuzo continued. "But first, you two gotta get wand." "Well, it's been a pleasure being your Spirit Guide, safe travels! Bye! And off Zuzo went back to the Spirit World. "How great was that! I summoned my first Chanul!" Matteo said, looking very excited. Matteo then slipped on his drumstick and almost fell, but luckily Sofia managed to catch him as if she were dancing. "Hey! Nice moves! I bet you're a good dancer." Matteo complimented. "That's how we'll get her wand, we'll dance with her." Sofia suggested. "That won't work, Shuriki outlawed dancing when she banned music." Matteo told her. "My mom still taught me the Sambarosa though." "We have to back to the palace!" Kion told them. "Wait, we? Matteo asked.

"Here you are, kids!"  A palace guard said to Sofia and the Lion Guard as they entered the palace. "You kids have been gone for a while." Miranda noticed. "The Jaquins sang us some songs!" Kion told her. "Yes, they can't seem to stop doing that." Shuriki added. "Well, Armando is putting on a show for the other little darlings if you want to join them." She said to Sofia and the Lion Guard. "Actually, I was hoping to learn one of the Avaloran dances I've heard so much about, the Sambarosa" Sofia told her. "I'm afraid I don't know that dance." Shuriki replied. "It's the most famous dance in Avalor." Kion added. "I can teach it to them." Armando offered. "No you won't Armando!" Shuriki said to him, almost angrily. "More tea, Your Grace?" Esteban asked her, in order to calm her down. "Why not, is there some kind of law against dancing? Kion asked. "Kion, no one would pass a law against dancing." Simba told him. "It's like passing a law against fun." King Roland added. "Well, in Avalor," Shuriki said. "We only dance on special occasions, like a Royal Visit." Esteban interrupted her. "So we would be happy to show you the Sambarosa, right Your Grace?" "If we must." Shuriki replied with a look of disgust on her face. "I'll go fetch my guitar." Esteban told the guests as he left to get his guitar. "Zuka Zama!" Bunga exclaimed excitedly.

"This is how you dance the Sambarosa, you join hands and stomp your feet like this, move back and forth then twirl." Armando began to explain. "Remember the plan Ono, while Shuriki's dancing, grab the wand from her pocket, and then we'll free Elena." Kion whispered to Ono as Sofia and the others were dancing. "Affirmative." Ono replied. "Queen Shuriki, will you dance with me?" Sofia asked the sorceress. "Oh, how sweet of you to offer, but I'm having too much fun watching." Shuriki said. "I'm sure you dance better than anyone, please?" Sofia asked persistently. "How can I say no to such a sweet child." Shuriki finally agreed to dance. "Ono, now!" Kion gave his signal and Ono went to get the wand. Kion then gave a thumbs up to Sofia, meaning Ono had successfully managed to get the wand. Sofia then "accidentally" stepped on Shuriki's foot. "I'm so sorry Your Grace, I'm so clumsy." Sofia "apologized"."Enough dancing! Shuriki said angrily, it earned her a few confused stares. "I mean it's been so delightful, but we really must get back to our discussion, Your Majesties." Shuriki told the 4 Kings and Queens. "Can we play hide and seek? It'll be good for our tracking skills, right Kion?" Fuli suggested. "Of course, whatever you want dear." Shuriki told her. "Kion, Fuli, we don't wanna play hide and seek." Kiara told her brother. "It'll be fun, Kiara!" Kion assured his sister. "Is it ok if we hide and you seek Mr. Armando?" Sofia asked Armando. "Of course! That would be delightful." Armando replied excitedly. As he started counting, Sofia and Kion led their siblings away from Armando. "Alright you guys, what is going on?" Amber asked. "We'll explain everything later, but we need the three of you to hide for as long as you can, it's important." Sofia instructed. "You got it." James assured them. "Why won't you tell us?" Kiara asked, getting really suspicious. "It's for your own good, trust us." Kion told his sister.

"We got it!" Sofia exclaimed happily, showing the wand. "Right on kids!" One of the Jaquins told them. "I don't know how you guys pulled that off, Shuriki never lets anyone get near her." Matteo said, looking amazed. "Look at these kids! They look as sweet as sugar but they got some skills." Skyler commented. "Okay Matteo, show us the way to Azaluna, but remember not to fly so high so we can see you, we have a princess to free." Kion said, and off they went to free princess Elena.

Elena and the Secret of Avalor: RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now