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『The begining』

Another boring day turned into a surprise


My alarm rang for what sounded like the trillionth time. I took my phone, turned off the alarm and saw the time, after seeing it I jumped out off my bed, 'Kuso! I woke up 50 minutes late' I thought as I ran to the bathroom. I woke up at 6:50 when I have to leave my house at 7 in the morning, I have only 10 minutes to get ready. And it's my first day back to school! What a great way to start the year!

I took a quick shower, while I was showering I was having a internal battle with myself if I should skip break fast or not. But then again I was starving, oh well I guess I can't never skip food. I ran towards the kitchen and got some bread, put it inside the toaster and ran upstairs to put on my uniform. After coming down the stairs, the toasts were done done, I took some jam and put it on them, shoved one in my mouth while the other still in my hand, grabbed my phone and bag, put on my shoes,locked the door, and ran towards the train station. It was like a 10 minutes walk away, I looked at my phone and saw the time, 7:04 a.m
'Phew, still gonna get the train' I said while eating my last piece of toast.

I ran towards the station to catch the train, not gonna lie the compartments were filled, I got claustrophobic, eh just another normal day. I walked to my high school, it was my second year there, can't wait to get made fun of again, I put my shoes inside my shoe locker and went straight to class. No one bothered me during the lessons, it was peaceful, we got a free period as our substitution sensei let us do anything we wanted,everyone chatted with their friends, but one was alone, that was me.

I didn't bother make friends as after high school, I was gonna go to the greatest university of all, Konoha Uni. I was seating near the window, with my headphone on, doodling on my note book and before I knew it, the bell for lunch rang,we thanked our sensei for their time I guess and got our bento's out, some ate in the classroom while others went to the cafeteria or the somewhere else. I went to the cafeteria as I didn't have time to buy any food. 'I don't understand why they don't have Ramen, 'ttebayo!' I thought while I was walking towards the tables to get a seat with two cheese sandwiches in hand.

Two Senpai's came towards me, what were their names again? Oh! That's right! I didn't bother acknowledge their identities, all they were to me, two jerks who bullied their kohais because they were bored, yeah that's what they were. "OI Inazuma! Didn't think you would show your face after that incident" one of them said, "what incident are you talking about?" I asked, they laughed "Oi! What's so funny huh!?" I yelled "the incident with Sato dimwit" the other replied. Oh that incident, the one which occurred on the last day of 1st year, with Sato-san.... I wanna forget it, anger rushed through my body.

"Teme- how YOU dare speak to me like that!" Do you have any idea who I am!? And the slut Sato? Hah! Don't make me laugh 'ttebayo!" I snapped at them. "UGH just leave me alone!" I yelled while walking off, they looked at me with their mouths wide open. I went to the roof top and had my lunch and then went to class. Before I knew it, it was cleaning time. I finished my tasks that were given to me and went home.

"Tadaima" I said while I unlocked the door and sat down on the Genkan and started untieing my shoe laces. Why do I even try? No one's gonna greet me back anyway."Okaeri" I heard someone say, the voice sounded familiar. I instantly started regretting all my life decisions, I shakingly turn around. "K-KARIN NEE-SAN!?" I yelled in surprise, "It's been awhile Naruto! Go get changed while I'll go make some tea" while she said the last part, I knew it wasn't gonna be good, I did what she said and came down stairs.

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