The Freak and The Jock☁️

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(I literally hate sports but liked the idea of this so here you go. Also I know nothing about basketball 🕺)


*Whistle noise*

"Alright let's rap it up for today!" The coach yelled out.

I was relieved I could finally get out of this place.

Sure I liked basketball and all but the team, mostly Jason wasn't that fun.

I had to hide around them which wasn't very pleasant.

We cleaned up the gym then went to the locker room and changed,

I was slipping my hoodie on as the last person left when I could feel someone staring at me.

I turned around and there he was, Eddie 'the freak' Munson.

"You know you can't be in here." I said as I grabbed my bag and walked over to him and gave him a quick kiss.

"I know, but they're all gone already soo.." he said as he grinned.

I chuckled and shook my head, "someone's gonna come back for something one time and we're gonna get caught."

"That's the fun in it."
He slipped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him kissing me again this time longer.

Suddenly the door creaked open, I panicked and pushed him away pushing him in a corner by the lockers that faced away from the door so they couldn't see him.

It was Jason.
'this bitch-'

"L/n what are you doing here still?" Jason asked stepping halfway in.

"Oh um.. I was just about to go sorry I had to get something." I wasn't sure what to say so I hoped he'd believe that.

"Alright then.. well come on we have that party to get to and there's not enough room in my car for everyone."

'like I wanna go to a party with you guys.' I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Uh yeah sorry I'm not going but I could drop them off." I offered

"No your going now hurry up and let's go!" He yelled as he left the locker room.

I sighed and turned to Eddie.

"Why do you put up with that?" He asked as he came back over.

I just shrugged "Its easier than arguing believe me.. I'll see you later though ok? I'll probably just sneak away."

He nodded and gave me a quick kiss before I left.

I went out to the parking lot and there were a couple people waiting for me including Patrick and Andy

|20 minutes later|

Aaannnd we arrived-
In the middle of nowhere-

"Mk here you guys go." I said as I unlocked the doors everyone got out exept Andy.

I looked back at him confused "Are you gonna go?" I asked probably sounding more rude that intended.

"Aren't you gonna go?" He said emphasizing the word 'you'

"Uh no actually I'm quite busy, but if you guys need a ride home tell Jason to call me or something."

He just nodded a bit an got and headed inside.

"God they're so annoying.." I mumbled to myself as I drove off before Jason could come out.

|20 more minutes later|

I parked outside of Eddie's trailer and walked up to the porch then knocked on the door.

A few seconds later the door came open and I was pulled in almost immediately embraced by my boyfriend.

"A hello would be nice." I joked as I kissed him.

We went to his room and cuddled on his bed as we watched a movie.

Just as we were about to fall asleep I turned around facing towards him as I wrapped my arms around him my face buried in his chest.

"Goodnight sweetheart.."
Eddie mumbled

"Goodnight freak.."

(627 words tell me if you want a pt 2 ig)

Eddie Munson x M!reader Practice one shots Where stories live. Discover now