Preference #3

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This preference is SFW.
This preference shows who they're jealous of.

Alex would never admit it. Not over his dead body. But he's jealous of Harvey. Nothing physical. After all, he's ideal himself, isn't he? But he's jealous of Harvey, nonetheless. A well-paying, successful career that he loved. Perhaps he was just jealous of the success the guy had. Harvey wasn't jacked like him. He had those big dorky glasses and that stupid barf-green coat. So why was life so perfect for him?

Haley. Elliot's jealousy is more so directed towards her beauty and potential. He's jealous of the length of her hair, as well as the gentle waves and soft curls of it. She looks like the type of girl that people write poems about, and that's what Elliot has strived to be. Someone worth writing about.

Harvey is jealous of Demetrius. Science and medicine are somewhat closely related, compared to most other careers. So, in a way, he relates to the guy, but Demetrius is living the dream and doesn't even seem to realize it. Attractive spouse, two kids, one of which often works with him. He had found a profession he loves, and a person he loves too! Harvey had his dream job too, but he didn't have anyone to love.

Sam is jealous of Sebastian. He's jealous of his musical talent, though that isn't spiteful. None of his jealousy is, so perhaps it's better to call it admiration. Sebastian could play music, work a full-time job, and even work with motorcycles! That was everything that most people found attractive! He recalled once, Sebastian being called hot, while he'd been called "cute". Why?!

Maru. Sebastian feels like his parents love her more. His stepfather has never acknowledged his existence. Never will, either. Maru is his pride and joy. Simple as that. He knows his mom would never admit it, but having someone to share creativity with, it changed things. He felt as if his family didn't understand him. It was why he never joined them for family dinners or outings. He didn't feel wanted.

Gus! The guy has access to all the food and alcohol anyone could ever need! And to make a profit out of it all? To own a business! Wow! Shane wanted to own a bar one day. Admittedly, if the bartender drank everything they made, the business wouldn't likely be very successful, simple as that. Gus has a cool mustache, too! Shane's scruff could never!

Sam. There's no animosity in this jealousy. What she's jealous of regarding Sam, isn't even Sam's fault! She was jealous of his parents. His parents, who fully, truly loved each other. She'd see Kent come into her father's shop to buy a gift for Jodi, and that night, her own parents would be arguing behind a closed door. A closed door didn't do much when they shared a wall. Abigail would just simply slide her headphones on and focus on video games to tune it all out. She was usually the root of the arguments most of the time anyways. She recalled hearing her dad shout that he worried she wasn't his child. It felt like a knife to the chest.

Clint. To work in a forge must be a thousand steps up from being some cheap bartender. To crack open all sorts of geodes day in and day out... Admittedly, Emily wouldn't be able to focus, if it was her splitting them open. She grew too distracted in the beauty of crystals and rocks, so she figured it was best for Clint to handle the job on his own. She figured he'd be annoyed if she asked if he was hiring.

Haley is jealous of Emily. Like Alex, she'd rather disappear from earth than admit the jealousy. Emily had it all. A love for animals, beautiful gems, someone who loved her, a talent with outfits. Haley would love to make her own outfits! But she couldn't work that damn sewing machine if she tried! She hated having to ask her sister to make her things. In reality, Emily enjoyed feeling useful to her sister. They wouldn't be roommates if they didn't care about one another, anyways.

Robin. Leah loves carving wood, and Robin has access to so much of it! Leah usually buys from her, or the farmer in town. While Leah enjoys art, she appreciates what Robin does. Robin is talented in her work and makes things that are useful for more than eye candy. She also inspired Leah to work on making some small structures around the town. Leah had quite a few small carvings set aside, almost half of them nowhere near done. She envies Robin's drive and skill.

Sebastian. It wasn't fair. Sebastian could date who he wanted and do whatever the hell he wanted without both of their parents breathing down his neck. Watching his every move. When Sebastian made a mistake, it didn't matter. But when a prodigy made a mistake? Her parents might as well go around town shouting about how she dropped a beaker. Maru rarely got any alone time, while Sebastian had an abundance of it.

Leah. She's jealous because the woman is able to live independently, and be okay. She doesn't have to worry about caring for someone who's supposed to be the responsible one in the family. She doesn't have to clean up after a parent. She can spend her days working in peace, not worrying about whether or not a loved one is getting wasted and would need to be dragged home.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed! Any requests?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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