chocolate cake for your sorrows

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I'm going to make a mini series within these one-shots of Steve spending one on one time with all of the kids.
This ones about Max and Steve.
It's based between season 3 and 4

published: september 4, 2022

It was Tuesday, which meant it was the day Steve and Max had dinner together. It had become a weekly thing, with both of them being alone the majority of the time. Steve's parents were never around, and frankly, he didn't want them around. Niel had left Max and her mother after Billy's death, and left all of the bills and daily costs to Max's mother.

Steve was pulling up to Max's trailer at the same time the girl came walking out the door. Steve frowned when he saw her, his eyes scanning her slumped posture and the poor attempt at a smile when their eyes locked.

The car door unlocked right before Max's hand reached the handle. She pulled herself into the car, bringing some of the chilly fall air with her before locking it out of the car with the close of a door.

"Hey, Max. What's up?" Steve put the car in drive and slowly pulled out of the trailer part, occasionally glancing at Max who was staring at her hands.

The girl just grumbled and replied with a simple, "nothing."

Steve sighed. Max and Steve were never the type at wearing their heart on their sleeve, and the two had ben working on it by confiding with each other. Still, Max was hesitant to share what was bothering her.

"You can tell me, Max. I won't judge you." Steve said gently, trying to get the point across that no matter what she said, or had done, no matter what, he would stand by her and they could work through it together.

Max shrugged and tipped her head so that it was resting against the window. Her eyes followed the bare trees as they went flew past.

Steve bit his lip, worrying it until it was red and swollen. He just wanted the poor girl to be happy. She deserved that. "How about we make a deal, okay?"

Max kept her eyes trained on the landscape outside. "I better be getting something. No bullshit, one-sided deals." She said pointedly.

Steve chuckled slightly, glad to see that the girl still had enough in her to be her normal, snarky self. "Promise."

"Okay, then shoot." Max finally looked up at him, gesturing her hands in a way to tell him, 'go ahead, say what you want.'

"I'll buy a whole cake from the diner, not just one slice, so that you can bring it home. But, only if you tell me what's on your mind." Steve watched as the girl pondering what he said, rolling the words over and over in her head as if he had said something completely complex.

"Fine, but only if its chocolate cake." Max agreed.

Steve gasped and put his hand on his chest, acting offended. "How dare you even think I would get you anything else. Honestly, who do you think I am?" The brunette pulled the car into the parked in their usual spot.

He put the car in park and looked at Max, "Do you want to talk in the car or in the diner? I'm okay with either." Steve knew that some conversations were not meant to be had in public.

"I want to stay in here if thats alright." Max said sheepishly. It was slightly unnerving to Steve, to the the snarky redhead act so small. But he understood more than anyone that its easy to hide behind sarcasm and jokes than it is to share your feelings. He was glad that Max wanted to talk with him.

Steve nodded and pulled the keys out of the ignition, turning slightly so that he could looking at Max without craning his head. "Whenever you're ready, no rush."

The car was silent for a few moments while Max gathered her thoughts. She knew what she wanted to say, she just didn't know exactly how to say it.

"Ever since Billy died, I've always felt this guilt because I had never liked him. I hated his guts, because he made my life, and many others, miserable. He just sucked. And I think when he stood in front of the mind flayer, and was dying, the reason I didn't move to save him was because somewhere, some part of me, wanted him gone. It sounds horrible, and it probably is, but he just made so many people so miserable. I mean, he almost killed you for god's sake." Max was breathing in harsh puffs, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. The tears didn't look sad, they were filled with rage. Max was angry.

Steve didn't say anything. He wanted to let her talk, and he knew damn well that she didn't want any sympathy.

Max quickly swiped at her eyes before continuing, "What I'm trying to say, is that he was a terrible person. Sure he was my brother and I loved him, but he was an asshole. But, here, here, with you, I feel more safe than I ever had with Billy. You actually care about me, instead of seeing me as a chore. You try. And I just wanted to thank you, I guess. For not being an asshole." She mumbled out her last few sentences while staring at her hands, which were fidgeting in her lap.

The older boy was stunned. Steve had never heard anything that nice. Sure, he got the occasional 'thanks' from the kids when he drove them around. He had gotten thousands of compliments from his days as 'King Steve', yet nothing felt as genuine as this. There was an uncontrollable stinging in his eyes. He was finally helping someone instead of hurting them.

"Max," Steve hated the way his voice cracked, "thats probably the nicest thing anyones ever said to me. I- you're like a little sister to me. Growing up, I was really lonely, and it's so nice to be able to have that kind of older brother relationship with you. You're not a bad person for feeling that way about Billy. He was a dick. I know you're a good person, and that you never truly wanted Billy to die. You're a good person, Max."

Max was looking at him now, her bottom lip quivering. "God, don't get all sappy on me, dumbass." The smile on her face told a completely different story than her words.

"Hey, you started it. Do not pin this on me." Steve chuckled.

"Whatever," Max rolled her eyes. "Let's just get food. It's time for the chocolate cake you promised." Max said, while opening the car door and sliding into the cool fall breeze.

Steve followed her actions, stepping out of the car and making his way to the diner door. He opened it, bowing dramatically. "Go ahead."

Max laughed and walked into the diner. She made her way over to their usual seat and slid into the booth, her hand flicking forward to grab a menu.

Steve scooted into the booth across from her and pushed the menu down so he could see the redheads face. "Are we getting actual food, or just cake and ice cream? I could go for either."

"You're not a very good influence. Dessert for dinner? Not very healthy." Steve scoffed at that. "What kid turns down cake for dinner?"

Max smirked. "I wasn't turning it down. Just judging your babysitting technique."

"Hey, I don't have to buy you dinner." Steve said, exasperated.

The waiter came over, and the two ordered two slices of chocolate cake for now, and one whole cake to-go.

The night was filled with sarcasm and laughs. The weight of Billy's dead will always be there, but her friends made it much more bearable.

bad ending, don't call me out for it.

feel free to make suggestions!

votes and comments are greatly appreciated but not required whatsoever. i love feedback.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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