Not A Choice

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Will and Steve
Its a short one, but I like it.

published: august 7, 2022

Will and Steve sat in the Byer's living room. Joyce had asked Steve to watch Will, even though he was 15. Steve understood why she wanted someone to be with him though.

The two were sitting on the floor in a comfortable silence. The two had never had a close relationship, but Steve loved all of the kids unconditionally and was completely content with sitting in silence.

Will was the one that finally decided to break the silence. "Steve?"

"What's up, kid?" Steve rolled his head over on the back of the couch so he was looking at Will.

The younger was sitting on the couch with his legs crisscrossed, his body tense.

Steve seemed to take this as a hint to straighten himself up and completely face the kid, giving him his full and undivided attention.

"Is it bad to be different?"

The question was so strange and broad, that Steve had to think of how to answer. He had never really been good at communicating feelings, but he tried his best. He was trying to do better.

"I don't really understand what you mean exactly, but no. It's not." Steve said.

Will just nodded and looked down at his lap. "But, what if other people say its not okay?"

The older boy was still confused, not really understanding where this was going. "Look, I am seriously confused here, and I have no clue why you're talking to me about this, but whatever. Uh, you shouldn't listen to them. They're probably dumbasses with self esteem issues that need to put themselves up to make others feel better. It's better to be yourself and happy than it is to fit in but be miserable. Trust me." Steve spoke from experience.

He had tried so hard fit in his entire life, but he was never truly happy. His friendships didn't feel genuine because people only wanted to be friends with him because he was popular. Steve also knew that he lashed out at others, pushed them down to make himself feel better, because he didn't know what else to do. So his conclusion to Will's question was just 'don't listen to the people that acted like I did.'

Will mumbled something, but Steve didn't hear what he said.

"What was that, Byers?"

"Is it okay if I like boys?" Will was looking at Steve again. He looked so sad, and so anxious, like Steve was about to announce a death sentence or something.

Steve smiled and reached his hand out to put it on Will's shoulder. "Of course it is, Will. Is this what thats all about?"

Of course Steve had seen the way Will looked at Mike, or Sodapop from The Outsiders.

"Are you sure it's alright?"

"Of course it is. If anyone gives you trouble, just tell me. I got my bat." Steve ruffled Will's hair before bringing his hand back to his lap.

The younger laughed, "Thanks, Steve."

Steve just nodded and settled back into his spot on the couch.

Maybe he was better at this than he thought.


Steve is the best ally.

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