"Good morning," he says to me and then turns his back, beginning to make a drink. 

"However, Harry deserves a break from this place," Madeline says as she turns around to Harry and places her hands upon his shoulders.

"Well thanks, when is that going to happen?" He jokes with her and she rolls her eyes.

"Today. You're gonna take- I'm sorry, I forgot your name," Madeline admits to me with an apologetic look on her face and I laugh.


"You're gonna take Lucy out today. Show her all the places I took you when you moved here," She tells him, not asks. He looks at her blankly and then turns to look at me. I smile, waiting for his answer because I'm certainly not opposed to it.

"Did you even ask her if she wants me to go?" Harry laughs at Madeline, shaking his head as he waits on the coffee to brew. He then looks at me with a small smile. "Are you comfortable with that?"

I hadn't decided yet. Everything I've ever learned by watching True Crime documentaries is telling me not to go off with a man I don't know. For some reason, though, I want to. This trip is all about having new adventures. Right? So even though I'm apprehensive, I smile at him.

"I mean, yeah," I nod to him, shrugging my shoulders. "It has to beat being lost in this city, right?"

"Then it's settled," Madeline claps in excitement and then nudges Harry. "Make her a coffee."

I wonder why Madeline is being so nice to me. This is only the second time I've met her, yet it already feels like she likes me. How could she have made up her mind about me so quickly?

I brush off my sentiments and smile at her. Harry does as he is told and begins making me a coffee as well.

"Cream and sugar?" He questions and I nod, realizing quickly he can't see me since his back is turned.

"Uh, yes please," I tell him. He doesn't say anything back, he just continues what he's doing. He hands me the paper cup when he's finished making it and I take it, nodding in thanks to him.

"Let me grab my things and I'll be back," Harry says to me before retreating into the room he originally came from.

"He's a really good guy," Mads says to me once Harry has made his exit. I think I'm gonna call her Mads. "I think you two will have a great time."

"Thanks," I give her a small smile and take a sip of the hot coffee Harry had just made me. It's perfect.

I make small talk with Mads for the next few seconds as I wait on Harry. He soon appears, moving the blue beads to the side to get out of the doorway. He kisses Mads on the cheek as he turns the corner of the counter, telling her goodbye.

When he stands next to me, I notice just how tall he really is. He's around Ian's height so he stands at about five inches above me. He looks down at me as he presses the plastic lid of his cup to his lips, sipping its hot contents.

"Ready to go?" He questions and I give him a nod, his previous action reminding me to drink more of my coffee as well. I follow him out of the small shop, walking out of the glass door as a young girl is walking in. He holds the door for her and steps out behind her, holding it for me as well. I thank him and then begin following him down the sidewalk. "So, I must ask. Have you been to the Tower yet?"

"I have not," I chuckle and he shakes his head in disapproval.

"Well, I am happy to be present for your first time," he grins at me as we continue walking. Silence fills the air between us despite there being conversations in every direction of us. It's not exactly an awkward silence, I just want to take in every bit of the atmosphere. Our feet continue treading over the cobblestone streets as we make our way down them. I look around at the architecture and pay attention to my surroundings wondering how much of this looks the same as when my mom was here.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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