Intuition and Clairvoyance

Start from the beginning

I am drawing this outfit, it's pretty cool actually, and very obviously inspired by PM but not so bad it's copied, and there's major differences. Basically it's a mix of punk and fancy~ normally I don't go quite this complex but I want people to see it and be baffled by "how the heck does that look good? It's so strange but awesome!

Mom would be scandalized!

His changing took a grand total of seven minutes. He had been the last one out, looking mildly annoyed, because getting the speaker working had been particularly confusing. You could practically see it dawn on the other students as he walked out though, because immediately his three friends swarmed him, asking him if he was a fan, pointing out the similarities, and being generally annoying. In a good way, I suppose.

For once, Bakugo summed it up pretty well. "Deku's a fucking nerd when heroes are involved. Keeps like fourteen different notebooks on them." He stalked up to Midoriya and poked him in the chest, red gaze glinting with a challenge, all the while getting a murderous look from all three friends, two of which knew the full story, and Shinsou had been told by the other two. "You never changed, just got a little bit of power and it went straight to your head! You think you're so tough, I'll-"

Izuku didn't let him finish speaking, for fear of there being a third incident in two days. I'm putting an end to this before it even begins. "Ah, you're saying that, but you know, isn't that what happened when you were four? I didn't change because of my power, Ka-cchan. I changed because I stopped giving others power over me. By the way... I think you are getting some dirty looks from All Might."

It was almost laughable, really. The other teachers must have told the number one hero, because he was glancing over, worry evident every couple seconds, and sometimes he seemed to shift towards anger.

Giving the wrathful boy a wave as he left, he joined the others. Bakugo let out a howl behind him a few seconds late, but by then it didn't actually matter.

The class had been interesting, but nothing crazy. They had groups of three for the heroes and two for the villains. The villains were tasked with keeping one of the heroes (a chosen "hostage") in their "custody" until the time ran out, if the hostage made it to the exit gate, heroes won. It all depended on the one person, but at the same time required teamwork. The villains got a head start to choose their "base" though, making it even. There was one other twist: if heroes captured villains, they had to keep them down, and vice versa. There weren't any "capture tapes" like they saw in recorded replays.

Izuku was on a team with Tokoyami, the dark shadow guy, who seemed to be quite admirous of his costume, likely because his mask looked a bit like a beak in order to direct the sound best, and most of it was black.

What he ended up doing was just grabbing Mina, their hostage, and placing her on a rooftop edge in the fake city. When the heroes, Shinsou and Denki, managed to make it to them, there wasn't much they could do with that threat looming. They were given some rope beforehand, but Mina had, unfortunately, used acid on that.

So his second idea was basically, force her to the edge of the rooftop, have Tokoyami at the bottom of the fall, and convince them that he would drop her off the edge if they did anything funny.

It worked without a hitch, mostly because he had reminded them how volatile his quirk was, and told them that he wasn't sure if it would be safe to drop her, and Shinsou couldn't use his quirk on him. There was one close call, but he was very careful to not reply to the purple insomniac, only Denki.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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