• Chapter Fifteen •

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"And when will she be allowed out this time?"

I briefly heard some familiar voices.

"Tomorrow night, if everything heals well. She somehow managed to pull every single stitch out of her stomach. How are you feeling, by the way?"

My eyes fluttered open.

"I am fine. I have said many times now, it was just a small wound. I am in no pain whatsoever." The person with a deep voice replied - it was Zhongli.

"Oh, somebody has finally decided to join us." Dr. Baizhu glanced down at me. I could not bring myself to look at him.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't handle all of the blood around." I mumbled. I was ashamed of what I did, and felt horrible for hurting Zhongli.

"How do you feel?" Zhongli asked, kneeling down beside me.

My heart started pounding. I was glad to know he wasn't upset at me, but my brain wouldn't let it go.
"Everything hurts." I admitted. "And my stomach...-"

I tried to sit up, but Dr. Baizhu put his hand on my back and helped me lay back down.
"You won't be able to sit up for a little while, dear. How did you manage to rip out every stitch? I have to say, that was impressive."

"Well... Zhongli got hurt and I wouldn't have been able to get here in time if I left them alone. I'm sorry, Dr. Baizhu. I really am."

He shook his head.
"No worries, just don't do it again. And leave those stitches alone, okay? I'm sure you don't need another scar."

Baizhu left, after refilling my water. Zhongli sighed, but smiled at me. He had a bandage on his neck, and he seemed to notice me eyeing it.
"Nothing really does run smoothly, does it? Hm... please do not feel bad about this, I allowed you because you needed it."

"Either way, I'm sorry-"

"No need to apologize. I just hope that you can get out of here soon. We have yet to watch the stars together, as planned the other day."

I smiled and agreed. "We can do that the day I get out, okay? As you're the- uh, was the Geo archon... where is the best place to stargaze?"

Zhongli pointed out the window.
"Where we were earlier today... the cave. By that place, there is a mountain that we can climb. It has a spectacular view, especially at night."

He turned back to look at me, but also noticed the flowers he got for me were still there.

"They're pretty." I spoke up, making him jolt out of his thoughts. "I don't know who got them for me, but I appreciate it."

Zhongli smiled and sat down on the chair that was next to the hospital bed.

"Y/N... could I... tell you something?"

"Of course."

"Ever since we met..." He started, gazing into my eyes. "I have been feeling strange."

"Strange...? In what way?"

He took a deep breath, before picking up one of the glaze lilies and twirling it in his fingers.
"Like I... want more. I do not want to be addressed as your friend, I want more than that."

As if Dr. Baizhu hadn't said anything, I slowly sat up, not breaking my gaze with Zhongli.

"What do you mean by... more?"

"I do not know... though I asked Baizhu and an old friend of mine, and they both said one particular thing. They said that I have fallen in love with you, Y/N."

My eyes widened, and I was at a loss for words.
"You... what?"

"I understand, I was surprised to get that response as well. I have never, ever felt like this before... they are right. I love you, and I deeply apologize for not building up the courage to tell you sooner. I was going to tell you this morning hence the flowers... but..."

"You wanted to tell me this, and I wasn't here to listen." I finished Zhongli's sentence, and he nodded.

"When I saw what that vampire did to you, it made me so angry I can not put it into a sentence. It is why I allowed you to drink my blood, as well. I really love you, and I can not stand the thought let alone sight of seeing you in pain."

I placed my palm on my stomach and looked away. I could still feel my heart pounding, as I knew what he was going to ask next.

"Do you... perhaps... feel the same way?"

"I... don't know. I like you, but I'm afraid that I will injure you again. I am a vampire, Zhongli. One day something could change... and I might hurt you. Worse than I did today, and without the mindset to bring you to the hospital."

Zhongli looked down, but stood up from his chair.
"I understand. I apologize for bringing it up, then... I am going to go get some fresh air, I will see you later."

Baizhu must have noticed him walking out of the room, because he stepped in and lifted a brow.
"Did he tell you?"

I replied, already feeling bad.

He sighed and placed a plastic container on the side of my bed - meds.
"And I am guessing from his reaction, you rejected him?"

"I don't know how I feel about him, Baizhu... I have never felt something like this before."

"Can I tell you what I think, Y/N?"

I agreed.

Baizhu smiled and pointed to my stomach.
"You pulled out your stitches for him, knowing fully well it could kill you. Only love makes you do something as reckless as that, dear."

After thinking for a moment, I looked at the door and then at my stitches.
Without a second thought, I got up and forced myself out of the room, taking slow steps. Baizhu didn't even try to stop me, because he knew I wouldn't actually leave again.

I was ignoring the unbearable pain that was shooting through me, and luckily none of the nurses were at the reception.

"Zhongli!" I called out, upon seeing him by the door.

He turned around and immediately helped me stand without falling, confused as to how I got out.
"Y/N? What are you doing up?"

I gazed up at him.

And then realized I had no idea what I wanted to say.

As if my body was working for me, I got a handful of his clothing and pulled him into a kiss.
I could practically sense Baizhu's grin behind me.

We both pulled away after a few seconds. Zhongli's face had reddened, as had mine.

Baizhu chuckled and tapped the wall, grabbing our attention.
"Come on, Y/N. Let's get you back in here."

Once I settled back in to the hospital bed, I couldn't get the smile to come off of my face. Zhongli was too stunned to say anything for a while.

"Now, that wasn't so bad, was it? Hate to say I told you both so!" Baizhu added, making me smile even more. He put my pills into my palm and I took them with some water.

"Are you okay, Zhongli?"

When he heard my voice he quickly nodded and started to stutter out some words.
"Oh, um, me? Yes, I am quite alright... lost in thought, give me a moment."

Me and Baizhu subtly laughed at him.

"Okay," Baizhu started, shaking his head with a dumb grin. "get some rest and you can probably leave in the evening tomorrow. I'll leave you two lovebirds to it."

I thanked him and glanced over at Zhongli, who had a small smile on his face as well.
"That was... certainly unexpected. But nice, nevertheless. Thank you."

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