• Chapter Twelve •

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"Oh god, Y/N!" Xiangling ran into the room, making me jump. She was holding a small tray. Zhongli stood up and let her sit down.

"I'll give you two some privacy."
He said, before leaving.

"Hi, Xiangling..."
I smiled, and she gave me a worried look.

"What did you do?! I was and still am so worried!" She pouted, placing the tray on the bedside table.

"Uh, well... I broke my arm," I started, lifting my arm with the cast on it. "there's a giant hole in my stomach," I lifted up my hospital gown, revealing lots of stitches and bandaids. "and I wounded the side of my shoulder."

Tears filled Xiangling's eyes and she wrapped her arms around my stomach, making sure not to hurt me.
"Why did you have to go out?!" She sobbed.

"I had to... otherwise Liyue would be ashes by now." I pat her back and she seemed to calm down.

"Okay, but never ever do anything like that again! Even Zhongli was terrified!"

"I'm sorry... but really, I'm okay. I didn't die." It wasn't the best thing to say, but I wanted her to know that everything was fine.

"You almost did... but I am so glad you are okay. I have to get back to the restaurant as soon as possible, but I brought you some desserts!"
She pointed to the tray.

"Thank you. I'll see you soon, yes?"

She nodded and left the room.
Dr. Baizhu walked in, holding more medication.

"Oh! You've finally awoken. How are you feeling? He asked, sitting down on the chair next to the hospital bed.

"Everything hurts." I admitted. I wasn't moving much, because of the pain.

"No wonder, you are very lucky to be alive right now. Remember to take your medicine and the pain will be eased, all right?"

"Okay, thanks. He got off of the chair and went to leave the room, but he stopped midway.

"Your friend, Zhongli..." He started. I perked my head up upon hearing his name. "He has been here ever since you got here and must be exhausted, so just... look after him too."


After I took my medicine, I decided to try and get some rest since I had nobody else to talk to for the time being. It hurt to breathe, and my arm ached. But it was worth it, knowing the monsters who killed my mother were dead.

That reminded me.

I needed blood.

My lips felt dry, but I just assumed it was because I was tired... but no.
I looked under my bed for my bag, and it was nowhere to be found. With my healthy hand I opened the drawers on the bedside table, too.

The only thing there was a magazine, probably left by a former patient.

Zhongli walked back into the room. As if he read my mind, he was holding my bag as well as a glaze lily.
"Good evening. I got you your bag, here you go..." He passed my bag to me and I pulled one of my blood bags out.

I started to drink from it... but I could not help but notice how tired he looked.
"Hmph... I can see your fangs."

He smiled and sat down.
Once I'd finished drinking, I put the garbage back into my bag and lay back.

"You alright? You look tired."

Zhongli blinked slowly and yawned, which was just proving my point.
"Yes, yes... I am tired. It has been a long day."

"You can go home if you like, it's getting late anyway."

He shook his head and took my hand.
"No... I want to be here with you. I am so proud of you for killing them, it is difficult to express."

"Ah... well, it's over now..."

"Yes, I suppose it is... though I want to stay with you for longer. You are like a  magnet, and I am a iron nail."

"Wow, the Rex Lapis is attracted to a vampire with a broken arm... this sounds like a child's dream love story." I beamed, clapping my hands together sarcastically.

"Maybe, but at the end of the day it is still a love story, and said vampire has a happily ever after awaiting her."
Zhongli added, like it was nothing.

"And so has Rex Lapis, whatever form he may be in." The way he was gazing at me made me feel both exhilarated and nervous.

I didn't know it, but Zhongli's heart was beating faster and faster by the second. The only thing he wanted to do was find his happily ever after right then and there, with a kiss.

I sat up, like we were thinking the same thing.



"Thank you... for being here for me. I appreciate it more than you could imagine, I would not have gotten this far without you."

He looked slightly disappointed that I didn't do what he thought I was going to do, but he did not complain.

"Of course... over the past few days I have come to realize that... I can not live without you here, Y/N."

Sights | Zhongli x Reader [Vampire AU]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum