• Chapter Fourteen •

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Zhongli's POV
I closed my eyes.
When Y/N was fighting the three vampires, I temporarily lended her my strength. If part of it never left her body... perhaps I could track it?

When I opened my eyes, only I could see a flow of golden magic, which was itching for me to follow it.
It was similar to elemental sight, but it was more like a string connecting me to her.

I followed it. It was leading me out of the harbor... I was surprised she had managed to get far so quickly, especially with stitches in her stomach.

But I could not give up on those that I love and care for, not ever.

Next to the harbor is a huge mountain called Mt. Tianheng. I got around it, before seeing some sort of... hidden cave?
The magical flow lead into there... as did a trail of blood.

It was massive. Much larger than any normal sort of cave.
I followed both the bloody trail and my powers to try and find Y/N.
As I got closer, the voices got louder.

"Why are you wearing a hospital gown? You insane, or somethin'?"

"Nevermind that. You have done too many wrongdoings, therefore you need to die. Why aren't you running from me like a coward, just like your brothers?"

There she was.
I stood beside a rock, and peeked over at the scene. She was talking to the treasure hoarders' leader.

"I'm not running cause you're not scary, haha. My brothers ran because they were worried about getting back late and obtaining a fine, not your fake fangs. Get over yourself."

"Did they ever get back?"

"Well, no, but- wait a minute... you didn't...?"

"I did."

I quickly moved my head, as for a split second it looked as if he had noticed my presence. He started to run, but Y/N quickly caught and bit him.
"S-Someone else... is here...." He shuddered, while bleeding out.

Y/N watched closely as death took over him, and then fell back. It took everything in me not to go and help her... but I had to hear more.
"Argh... stupid stitches..."

I peeked again, because I was worried she would try and rip them out... but once I looked, she was gone.


I turned around, and there she was.
Blood stained her long, white hospital gown, and it was dripping from her lips.

"Y/N... why did you leave? You frightened me a lot." I tried to get closer to her, but she stepped back.

"It's a hospital, Zhongli. There was too much blood for me to handle. And now look at me... I gave in to the cravings."

Her voice sounded so... dull and empty. My heart was pounding, I was feeling so anxious for little reason.

"But you are still hurt. You were just struggling, I know you are still-"

"Just... stop. I'm just going to end up hurting all my friends. Xiangling, Yun Jin, Xinyan... and even you."

I did not want her to leave, nor to push me away. I need her in my life.

"You... You were okay before, correct? What makes it so different from now?" I asked her. I was starting to get scared of the outcomes of the conversation.

"Ever since you told me you are no longer the Geo archon, I have been feeling... different." Y/N admitted, wiping the dripping blood off of her face.

"Like you want to bite me?"

She nodded. "Yes. But badly. So much worse than it used to be. Whenever..." She took a deep breath. "Whenever I look at you, all I can think about is draining every last drop of blood from your body."

I pulled at my clothes once again.
"Then do it."

Y/N stepped even further back.
"I will end up killing you."

I shook my head and tried to seem calm, though in reality fear was hammering through me.
"I believe not, you have held back for so long. Do it, then maybe that craving for my blood will disappear."

She instantly seemed convinced, and I mentally prepared myself for the pain.
"Wait a moment... before you do it... can I tell you something?"

Y/N nodded, though she was staring at my neck. It basically told me what I was going to say would go through one ear and out the other.

If I told her and then died, it would probably pester her future self. If I did not, then she had a chance at a worry-free life. I was willing to give up my own for that, that is how much I had fallen for her.

"Actually... nevermind, do not worry."

She nodded again and put her hand on my shoulder. I felt my cheeks flush, though that was not the greatest moment for it to happen.

"I can hear your pulse." She added out of the blue. I could feel her hot breath on my neck, and I struggled immensely to make eye contact. "I can always hear it, it's like a radar. I can't hear anyone else's that well."

"Why is that...?"

"You tell me."

Feeling confused, I glanced at her.
"I do not understand...?"

"Heh, Zhongli, it just means your heart always beats faster when I'm near. Is it because you're scared?"

I gulped and shook my head.
"N-No, I am not scared. You just... make my heart feel all sorts of emotions at once."

Y/N smiled ever so slightly and peered at the floor. I soon realized she felt guilty, and wished she was back at the hospital and didn't leave in the first place. was worried but I also hoped she would be better after having blood of my own.
"You're okay with this? It will hurt, and I don't know how much."

"Yes, I am sure."

I squeezed my eyes shut.
A few seconds went by, before I felt a sharp and stinging pain in my neck. I groaned and threw my head back - it hurt even more than I originally anticipated.

Through the pain, my right hand moved up to her hair and ran my fingers through it. She was caught off guard, but it was also a good thing. She pulled away and looked up at me.

"Are you okay?"
She asked me. I nodded, though I could feel my eyes watering and it was not a pleasant experience.

I mumbled.

"Huh? Is it not hurting you?"

"Y/N, if you need more, do it- argh!"
I yelped as I felt her sharp fangs come in contact with my neck again. Luckily, it seemed to be helping her, as her cheerful and caring personality seemed to be returning.

"Okay, I'm done, let's get back to the hospital..." She ripped off a clean part of her gown and placed it on my neck. I was okay, but I felt a little lightheaded. "Put pressure on it, we'll be there soon."

I was going to use my speed to get back as quickly as possible, but the uncomfortable stitches in my stomach stopped me from doing so.
"Ugh..." I dug my fingers into my skin and pulled each and every one of them out.

I had my arm wrapped around Zhongli's shoulder - and all of a sudden, we were outside the hospital.
Dr. Baizhu ran towards us, along with a few other nurses.

I watched as they took Zhongli into their arms, and then into one of the rooms.
"Take care of... him.. first..." I called out. I looked down and noticed the pool of blood on the floor.

"Not again..."
I whispered to myself, and passed out.

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