• Chapter Nine •

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"The geo archon... isn't looking over Liyue anymore? He resigned?
I asked. At that point I realized I knew literally nothing about Liyue's history.

Zhongli nodded.

"Why would he do that? Liyue needs his protection, right?"

"I suppose he lost the ability to protect Liyue, and it was for the best... because without his divine power guarding the nation would be too much of a price to pay."

"Oh, that must have been hard for him... letting go of his city."

"I guess so, yes. But on a different note, is there anything you would like to know about the history of this nation?"

"Were there vampires? And were they horrible?" I accidentally reminded him of what was going to happen the day after... but I was too curious to let the opportunity slide.

"There were books written about them then, so... I suppose so. The ones I have read described them quite harshly so they were probably worse than the three of them now."

"Oh, wow... I want them gone so badly it's strange..."

Zhongli tilted his head, gazing at me.
"You want your own kind gone? What about yourself?"

"Before I met you, I did want myself gone... but now... I want to stay. Whether it's as a monster or not."

He sighed.
"You are not a monster, like I said when we first met. You really think you yourself are similar to the three vampires who murdered your mother?"

"Well, no... but I have still killed people... and that doesn't exactly make me an angel."

"You are an angel in my eyes. You are just so fascinating to me, and I want to know more." He admitted with a guilty smile.

"Oh, yeah... I was going to ask earlier..."

Zhongli lifted his chin slightly.
"What is it?"

"If I, you know... don't make it out tomorrow... please make sure Xiangling and Yun Jin are okay. I wouldn't be able to bear the thought of them upset, let alone mourning."

"Of course... but you will be all right, won't you?'

"I hope so."


On that note, we decided to pay Xiangling another visit in the evening at Wanmin Restaurant, as there really wasn't much else to do.

"Oh? Y/N... and Mr. Zhongli!"
Upon noticing our arrival, she ran towards us. "Hi! What're you two doing here?"

"We thought we would pay you a visit. How are you doing?" Zhongli smiled, and we all sat around a table.

"I'm great! Though I had a bit of a late night after hearing that stupid storyteller's theory... it freaked me out!" She rolled her eyes.

"You think it's real?" I looked up, just to realize they were both already looking at me.

"Nah, you told me yourself - if it was true, then he would be scared as well! I'm glad that Liyue is safe, though!"

I looked back down, feeling ashamed that she didn't know what was to come. Xiangling noticed.

She mouthed 'is she okay?' to Zhongli. He turned his head to face me.

"Y/N, are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I just... need a minute."

I stood up and walked away from the table, and towards an alleyway.
My back hit the wall and I sat down, feeling tears fill my eyes.

Xiangling and everyone else in Liyue, including Zhongli, were going to be put in so much danger and it was all because of me. I didn't want to die, but if I didn't then would people see me as the perpetrator?

I pulled my knees towards my chest and just quietly cried my eyes out. It was stupid of me, but there was no other place that I could let out my emotions at the time.

I didn't notice at first, but Zhongli found me and sat down beside me.

"Are you okay?"

His voice made me jump out of my skin and quickly wipe my eyes.
"Huh?! Oh, uh... yeah."

"Don't hide your feelings, it's okay, it's alright. Everything will be fine."
He was so calm, and that put me at ease.

"I keep crying. Sorry."

Zhongli wrapped his arms around me and got comfortable himself, despite the fact we were in a public alleyway.

"You have nothing to apologize for. It means you have a lot of pent up emotions, and that you are strong." He whispered into my ear, before sighing contently.

Xiangling must have peeked into the alleyway and then ran away, because we heard some giggling fade into the distance...

"I feel so bad for you two."

He didn't move or physically react to what I said.
"Why is that?"

"Xiangling doesn't know what will happen, and she seems so happy now. And... I keep ranting to you, and I feel horrible about it. See? I'm doing it now as well."

Zhongli leaned his head on mine and stayed like that for a while.
"I do not mind... I find comfort in looking after other people and understanding their feelings and problems... as for Xiangling... she will be okay. She is a fighter along with Yun Jin and the many other people here. No one will get hurt..."

"You might if you're not careful, and that worries me... even though I've only known you for less than a week."

"Yes, yet here we are, less than an inch away from each other. I will be careful, so you can put your mind at ease."

I nodded, but I still felt that feeling that everything was going to come crashing down. But at the end of the day, it was only a 50/50 chance on whether I survived or not.

"Could you do me a favor?"

I glanced up at him.
"Yes, what is it?"

"If you are comfortable with it... please, stay at my home again tonight. We do not know when those three will arrive or when we will get a sign. I just want to know if you are safe in the night."

"Okay. Do you want to go back?"

Zhongli kept quiet for a moment, as if he was savouring the positions we were in.
"Actually... let us stay here for a little while longer."

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