The final plan Pt 2

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Henry placed Max on the floor before some vines grabbed her by the arms and hung her on a window.

"Papa is dead!" El told him, making him turn around to face us. "I know what he did to you... You were different. Like us." She said glancing at me as she cried.

"He hurt you... he made you into this." I told him. "He's the monster, Henry. Not you. He's the one that experimented on little kids for years." I said as I tried to humanize him.

"You are right." He said stepping closer to us. "You two and I... we are different. And Papa did hurt me... but he was no monster."


"He was just a man. An ordinary, mediocre man. That is why he saw greatness in others. In you... And you... And me." He said as he wiped El's tears. "But in the end... he could not control us. He could not shape us. He could not change us. Do you not see, girls? He did not make me into this... you did."

He was too close to El for my liking, so I decided to draw the attention back to me.

"I have a question, Henry." I said making him look at me. "All that time in the lab... did you find amusing pretending to be my friend? Huh?" He stepped closer to me. "Was it amusing to you pretending to actually care about me?"

Tears made their way down my cheeks. These were truly some questions I had, so why not just get it all over with? Might as well now, then later die without knowing.

"I didn't pretend, Five... I did care about you." He said as he stood now in front of me.

"Oh yeah?" I scoffed. "I thought you were dead..." I cried. "Aside from El, you were the one person that made me slightly like the lab. And we both know it was awful." I told him with a straight face. "Just seeing you around, made me feel happier, because no matter what horrible things happened to me, I knew that you would be there for me..."

"I did care for you, Five. You were the only one I considered a friend." He told me.

"Did you?! Did you really, Henry?!" I asked him. "Because as far as I'm concerned, you lied to me, and used me for you own benefit! You did not care-"

"I wanted us to rule the world together!" He exclaimed angrily.

"I WAS A CHILD!" I yelled back. "I was a 13-year-old, for God's sake."

"You were more mature for your age." He told me as his hand caressed my cheek. "And you grew up beautifully. It's sad to know that my empire could've been yours too."

"I'm just mad at myself for believing your lies and leading you to her." I told him.

"I did not lie to you, Five!" He said angrily. "Can you not see? We didn't stay together because you didn't even bother to save me... You wanted to save her first."

"We were children, Henry!" I exclaimed frustrated. "Of course, I was going to choose to help a 9-year-old before you! You were a grown man. And you could've told me you were 001, you could've told me everything! But you didn't... you chose to lie to me, wait me for me to leave, pretend to help Eleven and then kill everyone in there." I told him.

"But I saved you. Does that not count anymore?!" He asked me.

I stayed quiet.

He was already too riled up, and I had no idea how to get out of this situation. After taking a deep breath, he continued the previous conversation, stepping closer to Eleven, making exactly in between us.

"At first, I believed you had sent me to my death. To purgatory. But I was wrong. I was somewhere new. I became an explorer... an explorer of a realm unspoiled by mankind. I saw so many things... And one day, I found the most extraordinary thing of all. Something... that would change everything. I saw a means to realize my potential. To transcend my human form. To become the predator, I was always meant to be."

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐌𝐄 // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now