"But wait- if I have your number, why is it an unknown number calling?"

"That's because I gave you my work one. Mere force of habit. My personal number is very... personal."

I got into the elevator. "Interesting. What line of work are you into?"

"Architecture. We can talk more about that and more later, if you'll be free this evening."

Was this... was he asking me out on a date? I hadn't been on one in ages. No had been my response for a while now, but Dominic was hardly a bad choice of company. He was really good looking too, so the idea of an evening with him wasn't bad at all. He was a good distraction from my routine too.

"I've got somewhere to be in the next thirty minutes and if I don't feel too tired from that I'll give you a call."

"I'm looking forward to it. Have a great evening, Amanda."

"Bye, Dominic."


The moment my car came to a halt on the driveway, Nate was already outside, headed my way. He helped me out, then grabbed the large balloon from the back seat. Holding it with both hands, he brought it up to his face and squinted his eyes to see through.

"Not going to work, buddy," I chuckled, grabbing a gift bag before locking my car. He wasn't deterred though, and held it up, perhaps hoping sunlight would help reveal what was inside. "It's as opaque as a brick, genius."

"Jessica and I made a bet. Sienna doesn't know about it, but I've got fifty bucks on the line."

I took a second to respond. "You made a bet?"

"Jessica is very competitive, even as far as to stake money on the gender of a baby. She's also very persuasive. I was talked into it."

"Good thing Sienna doesn't know about it. I don't think she would approve of it."

"Exactly," he resigned to his fate and drew his gaze to me instead. "You look nice. Cute dress."

He walked inside his apartment building, while I looked down at the dress I barely put any thought into, before catching up with him.

"Really? I thought I looked like roadkill."

We got into the elevator and Nate looked my way. "A break from the norm."

I slapped his arm. He didn't even flinch.

"Which did you bet on anyway?"

He rocked on his heels as we got higher and higher. "A girl."

"Really? I thought you would want a boy. You've been surrounded by women all your life," I said with a small laugh. "Your mother, your aunties, me, Jo, your many, many ex girlfriends. We've been your closest circle at different points."

"True, true, but it's not about what I want, is it? Whatever will be, will be, and I have a feeling it's going to remain women for a while. Care to tell me if I'm correct or not?"

"Nope. You'll find out soon enough. But regardless, I know you'll be a great dad." I said with a pat on his shoulders. He looked at me, an appreciative smile on his lips as the doors parted open.

Sienna was sat on the couch when we got into the apartment, with her sister Jessica sipping on a glass of champagne. Her eyes zeroed in on the balloon in Nate's hold. He wasn't kidding when he said she was competitive. This was more than the money to her, it was the need to come out the victor, and fuck, I knew she already was and it rattled me.

"Hey, Amanda," Sienna got up and hugged me. Her bump was so much more prominent, and our chests barely touched enough for her to make contact with me comfortably.

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