12 | move

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"Hey, I got held up a bit by my professor, I'm just about to grab the balloons and head to your place."

"It's fine, Amanda," Nate said over the phone. "Sienna and I just finished putting up the decorations anyway. We're not expecting visitors for another hour so take your time, don't trip."

"That's a relief," I laughed nervously as I typed in my passcode and got into my apartment. "See you in a few."


Immediately the call ended I discarded my bag like a hot potato and hurried to get changed. Today was the gender reveal and after planning a small, low-key gathering which Sienna preferred, we set today, a Wednesday, for the occasion. I had classes until early afternoon so Nate was tasked with helping Sienna decorate and put out the food and desserts. If my memory served me well, they were expecting Sienna's sister and some of their coworkers and friends in attendance.

The one part of the plan that was exclusive to me was the balloons- I'd ordered a big golden one with the baby's colour inside. That part had to be known by me alone until I popped the big one. And I had to pick it up in the next twenty minutes.

Hurriedly, I got out of my jeans and hoodie and grabbed the first dress my hands could find in my closet. I pulled the black puffy sleeved babydoll dress over my head and nearly tripped putting on a pair of tan sandals. My phone rang and I spared a second to glance at the name of the screen. It was an unknown number, and knowing I didn't have much time for unknown numbers, I ignored it and rushed to apply some concealer and eyeliner.

While I applied some lipstick it began to ring again. I grabbed it as I exited my room and swiped the screen.


"Hi, Amanda. It's Dominic."

I halted when I realized I'd forgotten to grab a purse. "Dominic? Hey! It's been a while. How did you get my number?"

His voice sounded very relaxed while he spoke, and I feared I sounded like a meth addict with my panting and frenzied talking.

"Natalie. I had to do a little coercing to get it out of her. She was fiercely protective."

I laughed as I grabbed a black purse and hurried out again. "Protective? That's believable. I wonder why, though."

"I wonder too. How are you doing?"

"I'm great, thanks," was my go-to response. I wasn't exactly sure how I felt these days, especially since Finn showed up at my door days ago. Sometimes I wished I would run into him again, but it never happened, so I resumed my usual routine that offered it's own little highs now and then. "Very nice of you to go that far to get my number."

There was a brief pause on the line. "I was left with few options as you were the one who took my number, and not the other way around."

I halted with my hand on the front doorknob. "I'm sorry, what?"

"You don't remember? You asked for my number back at the wedding. I was under the impression we were on our way to becoming more than acquaintances."

My eyebrows pinched in heavy confusion as I wracked my brain. "I don't remember any of that, I'm so sorry. I was a little shit-faced that night."

"I suspected that, which is why I didn't hold it against you."

"Ha. You think very highly of yourself."

"As everyone should of themselves."

I got out of my apartment and stopped at the sight of movers hauling furniture into the apartment opposite mine. I knew it would be sooner or later, considering how prime the apartments here were, but I was still surprised at the sight.

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