
125 3 0

Vampires are talented people meaning everyone with talents are vampires. Vampires are either born with green or azure eyes then they gain red or white eyes when they are granted power by the elders. They don't always have flawless skin like most people think only the higher ranks are considered flawless. They can have any talent really and it gets turned into a weapon for them like say they sing and it's a gift once they are granted power they will turn their singing voice into a killer song. Most vampires wear bright clothing or maybe scene style mixed with normal clothes. They don't live forever unless they are elders. Their approximate eldest age is 125 so they don't live very long. They dont always heal fast like most people think. They can be killed by anything that pierces deep enough into their skin.

Top Ranks.                                     Rarity

1.Elders.                             1. Super rare

2.Leaders.                          2.Very rare

3.Extra gifted.                   3. Extra super rare

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