After the weird conversation about Chandler and his phone for a penis– a very upset Ross stepped into the cafe, looking depressed like the weather outside.

"Hi.." Ross said as everyone turned to face him, Anna felt extremely horrible for Ross who's marriage had just ended.

"This guy says hello and I want to kill myself.." Joey said looking at Ross who truly looked very upset.

"How you feeling sweetie?" Monica asked her brother, she placed her hand on his arm trying to offer him some comfort especially at a horrible time like this.

"I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck..." Ross gave a very descriptive picture to the pain he was feeling.

"Muffin?" Chandler held the plate that had a small piece of the chocolate chip muffin left, but was declined as Ross stepped around the sofa to take a seat in-between Monica and Anna.

"Carol moved her stuff out today, didn't she?" Anna asked as Ross nodded his head while sighing as he rested his head against Anna's shoulder.

Ross and Anna already had a very understanding friendship, she had been super supportive during his divorce and he was really grateful she helped him through such a hard time in his life when she knew she didn't have to do it.

"Let me get you a coffee." Monica jumped up to step over to the counter, Phoebe quickly tried to cleanse Ross's very negative and depressive aura.

"No stop, stop cleansing my aura.. just leave it alone.. okay!" Ross said as Phoebe dropped her hands in defeat. "I'll be fine.. i hope she'll be very happy."

"You don't mean that, do you Ross?" Anna said patting his shoulder as he cracked under her words.

"No of course not, to hell with her– she left me." Ross said his true feelings, sighing as he got everything off of his chest.

".. and you really never knew she was a lesbian?" Joey asked the most amusing part about Ross and Carol, at really the most inappropriate time.

"No okay! Why so everyone fixating on that? She didn't know– how should I have known?" Ross asked throwing his head back and running a hand down his face with frustration.

Something very interesting came out of Chandler's mouth unexpectedly. "Sometimes I wish I was lesbian." Once he realised everyone was staring at him, he dropped the magazine he was holding. "Did I say that out loud?"

Joey suddenly decided to be comforting for once. "Alright Ross, look. You're feeling a lot of pain right now– you're angry. You're hurting. Can I tell you what the answer is?"

"Why do I have a feeling he's going to mention strippers?" Anna asked looking at Chandler.

"It's Joey, what do you expect?"

"Strip joints!" Joey said with excitement. "C'mon, you're single! Have some hormones!"

"I don't want to be single, okay? I just... I just- I just wanna be married again!" Ross said suddenly after that sentence, the cafe doors swung open and in rushed a panicking brunette woman with extremely wet hair while wearing a wedding dress.

MY LOVE, MY LIFE -  • Chandler Bing •Where stories live. Discover now