Chapter 13

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"Oh what? With who?" Maisy asked me exited. 
"Joe." I told her and felt how the blood rushed into my cheeks.
"Oh my god really?" She grinned and I nodded.

"You know what I told him about two weeks ago. And yesterday, he came around with not even telling me. We watched a series and then we cuddled. Then I asked him out. Then he said that it does not work like that. Then he asked me out. I said yes. And then we almost kissed but didn't. Then we ate, went to bed and I texted him in the middle of the night if he's still awake. I went over and we cuddled and fell asleep. I am so confused Maisy." I told her exited.

"I mean. I know it's a long time ago. But at that dinner, Joe looked at you like he just found the love of his life." Maisy smiled.
"He told me, he cried as he broke up with Zoe because, he was mad that he didn't asked me out." I told Maisy.
"He actually asked me a few times if you are single. So. To me it was obvious that he likes you." She chuckled.
"He did?" I asked her and she nodded.
"Yeah. Like, maybe twice a month." Maisy  told me.

"Oh god. You should've just gave him my number. Really." I said.
"He didn't wanted your number." Maisy told me.
"I don't know why but he never wanted it." 
"Weird. Anyways. I am on a date tomorrow. That's it. Movie?" I asked her and she agreed.

Maisy stayed at my place overnight and left in the morning after we made some breakfast. My phone started buzzing and I took it. Joe was calling me.

"Hey." I said as I picked up.
"Good morning. Did you had a good sleep?" Joe asked me.
"I did. I hope you did too." 
"I had. Yes. Are you free now?" He asked me and I sighed.
"Joe? It's ten in the morning. I am still asleep." I giggled.
"But there is something I need to show you. It's important." He said and I sighed again.
"Yeah, I'm free." I told him.
"Alright. Stay where you are, I'm picking you up now. You can stay in a jumper." Joe told me and I agreed. 
"But-. we see each other this evening." I told him.
"I know. Let me ask you different. Are free from now on till tomorrow?" He asked me and I needed to laugh.
"Yes I am." I told him.
"Perfect. I'm coming now." He told me and we hung up. 

I changed into another trouser anyways. I was one of those humans who are not comfortable with a sweatpants outside of the apartment.

"Joe?" I asked through the speaker as the bell rang.
"Yes." I head.
"I'm coming." I told him, slipped into my shoes and checked myself a last time in the mirror.

"There you are." He smiled and pulled me into a hug.
"Alright. Let's go." Joe said and we went back to his car.
"Where're you taking me?" I asked him and he gave me a quick look.
"To my safe space, place, I don't know what to call it. But I am there when I need time for myself. And I think it's the best in the morning hours. The brezzes there are so good. Trust me." He smiled. 

"What are you doing?" Joe chuckled as I started to loose every finger of one of his hand from the streering wheel.
"You have an automatic car. You don't need that hand anyways." I told him and then just held his hand on my lap.
"You are so adorable." He chuckled and gently sqeezed my hand. 

After ten more minutes he parked the car at the side of a gravel way.
"There we are." He said and got out of the car. I did too. But he opened the trunk and got a bag out of it.
"I forgot to ask. I hope you are a bit hungry." Joe told me.
"I mean I had breakfast with Maisy, but there is always a bit space left right?" I smiled.
"That's right. Come with me." Joe said and took my hand. We went a bit through a field untill we arrived at a tree that was in middle of this field.

"Is it allowed to just walk over a field?" I chuckled. Joe shrugged his shoulders and let the bag down next to the tree.
"I hope it is." He chuckled and bend down to open the backpack.
"Come on. Sit down." He told me after he placed a blanket on the ground. I took off my shoes and at down on the orange and yellow checked blanket. 

"I got us some cold and hot drinks. Here is coffee, hot water for tea, coke and Icetea. Lemon Icetea." He told me.
"Lemon?" I asked him.
"Are you team peach?" He asked and looked disappointed.
"Maybe." I grinned.
"Everything will be alright okay? I can get you to the hospital." He told me.
"It tastes good." I chuckled and he placed his hand on my forehead.
"You are burning. No wonder you say that." Joe told me. I smiled and he continued unpacking some more. He had grapes, bread, cheese, scliced aplles. Everything. 

"I guess that's it." He said and took the backpack to the side. I smiled at him as he started to open a bottle of coke.
"Thank you." I told him.
"For what?" Joe asked.
"For all of this. This is really nice." I told him.
"Well, I'm glad you like it." He smiled and after he took a sip of the coke, he laid down. 

"This is your favourite spot?" I asked and he nodded.
"I love it here. No one around and it's just quiet." Joe told me and smiled.
"I like the view." I told him and looked over the field. 
"Yeah. I like the view too." Joe smiled and looked at me.
"Shut up." I laughed and gently pushed him.
"Just the facts." He smiled and let out a big sigh. 

"Can I put my phone into the backpack? I don't want to look at it at the moment." I chuckle.
"Of course. Here." He leaned over to get it and gave it to me. I spotted a book in it and smiled at him.
"Do you read a lot?" I asked him.
"At the moment yes. Why?" He smiled. I got the book and showed it to him.
"Oh yes. I already read it a few times. It's so good." He told me and I started to read the back of it. It actually sounded nice.

"Can I borrow that someday?" I asked him.
"Yes of course." He smiled and I thanked him. I put the backpack down and laid down aswell. 

"Come on let's put the things we don't need away." He told me and started packing some up. I helped him and continued, enjoying the landscape.
It was very comfortable and so peaceful. 

"Come here." Joe said and nodded towards him. As I moved nearer, his arm wrapped around me and held me close towards him. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.
I realized that I had missed this. We only cuddled a few times. But it somehow is addicting. His smell, the way he hugs and caressed my arm. The things he says to me. The sound of his heartbeat. It truly was an addiction and I am not planning to let go of it. 

park walk. | Joseph Quinn [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now