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Looking at my phone I checked my messages. I didn't have anything that was urgent.

Slipping it back into my purse I continued to join in on the conversation. "Yeah I do think we should host it next month, this month was a busy one." Everyone agreed.

"So Toni, how's it going with the performance coming up. I mean you've been doing this a long time are you nervous?"

I smiled a little nodding my head. "Kinda, it's different considering it's at a different church. So I'm a bit out of my comfort zone but not out of my element."

"Now that's a word." Margy said making everyone laugh. I could feel eyes staring into me.

Looking over my shoulder it was G. I saw how she licked her lips. Shaking my head I turned around. She was just another person that wants me for my body.

"So how's Mathew?" Julie asked making me shrug. "We broke up a few months back, we decided it wasn't time and we weren't for each other."

Just then James came over and asked me to talk to G. I agreed because it was the polite thing to do. She was standing by the little food stand. Making my way towards her I grabbed a slider.

"Hi G." I said looking up at her. She had to be at least 5'9 or 6'0. "Wassup toni." "Nothing much, how do you know James?" Grabbing a grape she started telling me.

"James is my money guy so we chill sometimes." "Oh, you're so young and already business oriented." "So how do you know James and Dem?"

"Well they attend my father's church and well I became good friends with Margy. She's something like a mentor." "So that means you go to church on Sundays or sumn?" I nodded smiling. "Every Sunday."

"What church do you attend?" Gen looked down at me. " I don't go to church." My eyebrows furrowed. "No Church huh? So when was the last time you went?"

"Ion know, my mom would probably know."

"You're kidding?." I said laughing. "I'm not, ion remember. I mean if like Easter and Christmas and stuff count then I go to church." I started laughing again. "I mean I grew up in church, I guess it never stuck. Can't really blame a nigga can you?"

"Did you even venture out?" By this time we were walking along this path.

"Hell nah, ion do that shit." I gave her a look. "You gotta watch your mouth around me now." Holding up her hands in a surrender motion Gen apologized.

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