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I sat at the head of the table at one of my trap houses. Looking at all the faces around me. My brothers. People I'd kill for. Not die for. Always know the difference.

"Look y'all need to get y'all shit together and stop fucking up the money income." Clasping my hands together I placed them infront of me. "Start thinking about ya' futures, you feel me?"

"What's there to worry about though?" Wes asked looking at me. I didn't respond. I just leaned back and observed. Learn way more that way.

"Yea, we make money to spend it and we just end up making more again." Chaves said making everyone chuckle.

I cracked a smile making them think I was laughing with em'. My smile faded just as quickly as it came.

I leaned up making them pay attention. "Y'all think this a game man, this ain't no fucking game. I spend all my time covering my tracks so Ian have no issues with the police." "Covering every possible angle."

"What? You think these niggas ain't watching? I'm young as fuck. Million dollar homes, cars all that shit. Write a fucking check, use a credit card once in a while." I pointed and spoke again. "Y'all niggas getting reckless."

"Ight G, calm down we hear you. Let's get this money though." Nodding I leaned back and watched as they laid their stacks on the table.

"Yea, we in it to win it." When they were done I looked it over. I had great eyes.

"Ight man it's all here. We Gon come back here tonight and fuck shit up. You know do what we do, celebrate." I said daping them up.

"Aye this stack feel a lil light you sure this 80 Wes?" I was only fucking with him,but watching his face fall was funny.

"Get outta here man, I'll holla at y'all later." While they left I gathered the money. Threw it all into a duffle making sure I had it all one more time I double checked and grabbed my keys.


Pulling up to my mom's crib I got out holding off the strong feeling to look over my shoulder. I know they stay watching me. Going inside I heard her in the kitchen. "Is that you vana?"

"Nah it's me ma." I said taking off my shoes by the door. "Mani, what a surprise what are you doing here baby, come here let me look at you." Shaking my head I made my way towards her.

She embraced me into a hug, touchin all on my face. "What are you doing here?" Letting her go I kissed her cheek. "I just came by to drop some stuff off."

"Well alright." I made my way towards the spare room and stashed my money in my spot. "So what chu in hea burning up?" I said sitting down. "Don't play with me, and some pasta."

"I hear dat." "Mhmm, so how are you honey." I shrugged "I'm good ma." "Good huh, well ms.good when am I gonna get a grand baby." Here she go.

"Here you go bout them snotty humans, ma I told you don't expect none no time soon."

She rolled her eyes. "Mhmm, you need to get back in church." Before I could object she spoke again. "Find a good woman, not one of those hoochie's."

I chuckled "Church huh, I'll come soon." "You know, you act like you weren't raised in church." She said smacking her lips. "Every Sunday too." Shaking my head I started to give her the honest straight up truth.

"And it was boring every Sunday, none of em could sing and y'all stay hyping them. I thought christians weren't supposed to lie. I mean I'm sorry but the service stay gloomy. Gave funeral vibes."

My mother rolled her eyes smacking my shoulder. "Imani!." I laughed. "What? I'm just saying I really only got up for the food afterwards. That was good."

"Oh lord, you Gon have to let a prayer up for that one Imani Genesis. If I have to start making you go I will and you know that." "Mmmhm." Was my only response.

"Don't mhm, you have come a long way and you have a lot to be grateful for. You don't get no where without God baby"

"Yea I know.... I'll tell you this though if you ever happen to find one of them nice women down at your church, tell em give me a call." Laughing she mocked me. "A call huh?" Smiling she pulled me into a hug.

I smiled into it kissing her cheek. She was so touchy with me. It's my mom's though. "I luh you." "I love you too." Getting up I spoke. "Tell vana imma holla at her later ight, I'm bout ta dip."

I had already made my way to the door. "Holla? What is holla Mani?" She said shaking her head. And with that I left out.


At the D.A's office

"Sit." The two detectives sat in front of the chiefs desk. Clinging to their every word. Being careful with what they say. Their jobs always depended on it.

The silence became too much for the two making one of them clear their throats. That was the wrong move. "Do you know what these are?!" He asked. Making them both wish they were back in silence.

Just then the cheif flung the papers their way. "Do you know what these are?! These are the time stamps for the Jones case."

Leaning forward the sweating officer spoke. "S-Sir we have reason to believe that this will be the biggest bust we could get for this office."

"She might be the biggest operating drug lord in this region." The other one said pulling nervously at his tie. "This girl has a house that's worth more than everyone in this offices houses put together."

Staying silent the cheif listened attentively. "One of her cars are worth more than ours put together." "She wears what we make in a year on her wrist." "Sir we're working on this round the clock." They were taking turns speaking.

Leaning forward the cheif took his glasses off. "Let me stop you right there." Slamming his hand on the table he spoke. "That's the gottdamn problem, you're working on this round the clock. Round the clock has cost this office money! Money neither of you have."

The officer in the brown tie cleared his throat before speaking up. "So what? Now justice has expensive prices?" Squinting at him the cheif spoke. "This conversation is over, I want a full progress report and status report on my desk by morning."

Getting up to gather his things the chief spoke yet again. "I'll be the one to decide whether to shut it down or keep it open. Enjoy your day gentlemen."

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