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Arthur: What are you doing here...
Y/n: I came to see if your okay
Arthur: H-How did you find me?
Y/n: lucky guess?
Arthur: Hmm...
Y/n: May I come in?
Arthur: Uh-sure..
* I walked in slowly to see the inside looking simple a bed, with a stand next to it, a few windows, a comfortable looking chair, it looked cozy*
Y/n: Nice place.
* Arthur sat down on his bed and stared at me*
Arthur: What do you want?
Y/n: Well I um, I want to know how, it happened...
Arthur: Sit * He said patting the space next to him and I sat down and put my hands in my lap*
Arthur: Amelia is a useless spoiled brat is what happened...
Y/n: Arthur! That is your sister!
Arthur: You think I don't know that!? * he scowled*
* I quickly looked down and started tapping my foot lightly on the wooden floor*
Arthur: My uh- my dad died...
Y/n: Oh, Arthur.
* I went to hug him but he stopped my arm and placed it harshly back on the bed*
Arthur: don't pity me!
Y/n: I wasn't I swear! * I said alarmed by his sudden force*
* I looked into his eyes, they were filled with tears. He quickly noticed and wiped them away*
Arthur: Um, after his death there was a will reading...
Y/n: And?
Arthur: That bastard gave Amelia 90% of the brewery...
Y/n: So that's why..
Arthur: Yeah.
Y/n: I'm sorry for you Arthur, I truly am...
* He just sat there looking at the floor, I decided to ignore his warning and pulled him into a hug*
Y/n: Don't be afraid to cry.. At least not around me.. * I said my voice gentle*
* That was his last straw.. He turned to me and hugged me tightly as he started sobbing into my chest*
Arthur: Was it cause I was the child of a maid...
Y/n: No Arthur, I'm sure that's not the reason.
* He leaned more into my chest and rested his head on my shoulder*
Arthur: Thank you for-
Y/n: Shh, please just relax...
* He hummed in response and continued crying*

( 4 minutes later)

* There was a knock on the door followed by Arthur rising from the bed*
Arthur: I umm, crap, I-
Compeyson: Arthur?
* The mysterious person said from outside the door*
Y/n: Who's that?
* Arthur quickly unlocked the door. Letting the mysterious figure in. The man turned to me and frowned*
Compeyson: What are they doing here...
Arthur: they-uhm
Y/n: Arthur, who is he?
Compeyson: My name is Compeyson nice to meet you.
* He took two steps forward and flashed me a fake smile*
Y/n: I'm Y/n...
Arthur: Compeyson, maybe we could talk about it later?
Copyson: I'm afraid we can't, I don't have anymore time in my day for this. Make them leave...
Arthur: Wait!
Y/n: It's fine Arthur.
Arthur: Can't you just stay?
Y/n: It's okay, we can continue talking later.
* Arthur let out a sigh and nodded his head. I quickly hurried out of the room and closed the door, was I leaving no absolutely not, time to eavesdrop*
Arthur: I know her, she'll expect me to be there for lunch.
' they must me talking about Amelia' *I thought in my head*
Compeyson: Which, my dear Havisham is precisely why you won't be going.
Arthur: It's Christmas Day!? * He said making it obvious it was important for him to go*
Compeyson: you described your sister to me as headstrong, willful...
Arthur: Yes..
Compeyson: No doubt then she's accustomed to getting what she wants.
Arthur: Father doted on her..
Compeyson: Then it's high time she learned a very valuable lesson!
' What lesson' *I thought*
Compeyson: That not all men will do her bidding.
Arthur: The plan is simply for you to ingratiate yourself with her, become her freind, offer her counsel, advise her to revoke the will.
Compeyson: Do you want what's rightfully yours?
Arthur: Yes!
Compeyson: So? * He said laughing a bit then turned to the mirror on the wall and fixed his tie*
Arthur: So, what will you say to her!?
Compeyson: That..That I am troubled on discovering that... The man I struck in her defense was, in fact her brother
* I peaked through the hole in the door and saw Arthur sitting down on the bed*
Compeyson: That I am keen to make amends, to mediate in order to unite the family, in memory of her late father
And the true sprit of Christmas.
* Arthur and Compeyson let out a silence breaking laugh, I decided then it was time to leave. I walked out of the building in tears, I ran to my house and opened the front door*
Dad: Y/n!? Why are you crying?
Y/n: It's nothing...
Dad: You can talk to me.
Y/n: Stop it!
Dad: Wha-
Y/n: Stop pretending you care about me! If you cared about me you would have taken me with you when you divorced mom!
Dad: Y/n..
* I ran upstairs and into my bedroom, I jumped onto my bed and sobbed into one of my many pillows*
' why would Arthur do that to Amelia... maybe for the money.. revenge?' *I  thought*
* I continued to cry into my pillow for a while, eventually falling asleep..*

A/n: thank you for reading! I appreciate it, love you guys, bye!

Arthur Havisham x Y/n * GENDER NEUTRAL*Where stories live. Discover now