Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

So, here Jennie is:

Standing outside the large gates of the Goodwin School with the rest of the team, hiding beneath the darkness of the night, searching carefully for a way to get in.

Jennie anxiously twists the ring on her finger. It slides over her skin far too easily. She realizes, with slight embarrassment, that her palms are beginning to sweat. She is the only one in the group who isn't moving around. Everyone else can't seem to keep still — they move at a rapid pace, checking every inch of the gate for some kind of secret entrance — but Jennie stays rooted to the same place that she's been standing since they all got out of the van.

She doesn't need to look for a way in. She already knows one. It's just a matter of whether or not she wants to mention it to her team or not.

Honestly, the team seems a bit crazed. The sight of the school's enormous lawn and its tall, towering gate seems to have brought on a bout of jealousy. Beaufort High is nothing like this. It pales in comparison in every way there is to do so.

Hanbin, in particular, seems angered the most. He hits his fist against the gate uselessly, hiding his wince.

"You'll break your hand that way." Jennie points out, only because she can't have him running around the field with broken bones. If he wasn't on her team, she would let the idiot hurt himself as much as he wishes.

"Well, there has to be some way in." Hanbin flexes his fingers, eyeing the locked gate. "Maybe I can punch through it—"

Jennie grabs him, pulling him roughly back. "No, you dumbass. You'll get yourself hurt."

"Glad to know you care."

"I don't." She snaps, annoyed.

Hanbin storms off, not going very far, subtly clutching his bruised knuckles against his chest. He tries to climb over the gate, but it's a useless attempt. It's much too tall to climb.

Jennie watches them all for another moment.

She's decided that they'll have to go home. This is a good compromise for everyone. Jennie never wanted to come here in the first place, but now that she's successfully shown her support as the captain, she can deem this a failed pursuit and they can leave. It's a stupid plan, anyways.

Jennie sighs. "Oh, well. Looks like we can't—"

"Hey, Jennie?" Seulgi interjects. Jennie sighs at the interruption. She's cold and she wants to go home. "Didn't you use to come here every night to see Kai?"



The shift in conversation catches some people's attention. Multiple eyes turn to look at her. Jennie bounces on her heels, feeling a sudden prickle of anxiety. She wishes Seulgi would shut up.

Trying to deflect, Jennie says, "I don't really know why you're asking, Seul, but if you're hoping for a detailed retelling of what I did with my ex every night, then—"

Another interruption.

"No, no." Seulgi waves her hand through the air. "I just mean, you must have snuck in, right?"

Now everyone is looking at her.

This is exactly what Jennie wanted to avoid. She's caught between wanting to run away or straight up lie to everyone here, but neither of those are true options. She can't just leave. How would she ever be able to live it down?

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